Get 220+ iLvl BiS WoW PvP Gear | Shadowlands 9.0 Gearing Guide

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0:00 – Intro
1:03 – Step 1: Purchase 151 BOE Items
1:32 – Step 2: Honor Farm
3:27 – Step 3: Mythic Dungeons
5:01 – Step 4: High Item Level Gear
8:04 – Miscellaneous

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46 thoughts on “Get 220+ iLvl BiS WoW PvP Gear | Shadowlands 9.0 Gearing Guide”

  1. Will the added versatility on pvp gears make a difference in the long run? Will it be qt least similiar to wotlk style of items where if u had wrathful gladiator items tou were quite tanky but if you had icc items you gad high dmg but glasscannon. Will it be similiar?

  2. They should really make all gear in rated PvP scale to 226 ilvl, if they are higher (=mythic raid last boss gear).

    Otherwise it's incredibly broken that you can get a 233 weapon for example, only achievable by buying a mythic boost for insane amounts of gold, or somehow being competitive in PvP while raiding mythic. This is so huge for melee classes for example, especially since the conquest 2h weapons only have one stat option.

  3. You guys have no idea how much people really needed this information and how hard it is to find when you Google it. On behalf of the silent majority I say thank you. I played in burning Crusade WOD and now shadowlands and I was way behind on the intelligence aspect now I know exactly what to do to go smash noobs. Thank you again for all your content

  4. 1. Until everyone has full PvP gear, people who are PvEing (M+, Mythic raiding etc) will have up to +20 ilvls on pure PvPers. This will probably be more than 12 weeks (i.e. a considerable part of or even a majority of the season).
    2. Final 2 bosses drops 236 ilvl items, of which 1-3 are BiS for some classes/specs (depending on how stat weights turn out).
    3. PvP gear is locked behind rating, it's unknown exactly which ratings but likely 2.4K for 226 ilvl gear. This means that everyone below that will want to go PvE (Mythic raiding) for high ilvl gear with reasonable amounts of versatility (while not absolute BiS, it will be the best available for these players).
    4. PvE trinkets may still be BiS which, besides being horrible in itself, would also have massive impact on (2) and (3) as it would exacerbate the effectiveness of these PvE items (with more of them being BiS or very good).
    5. Honor gear (pre-season start) and Conquest (post-season start) farming is extremely slow in comparison to M0 (pre-season start) and M+15 (post-season start) farming. Especially before the catch-up cap starts becoming noticeable (if it ever will, we don't know how much it stacks each week).

    Moreover, people keep forgetting that item levels have been squished. Each item level is worth much more now.

  5. Blizzard/Activision should be kicking you guys some income. Sometimes the way they change the mechanics to maintain revenue makes the game nearly unbearable. You guys shave enough off the difficulty to keep me feeling like it's worth it. Thanks

  6. eventually with my alts, Step 1 will be equip myself with 161 BOES from crafters. this guide is still very helpful though, cant run dungeons on this PC so i'll be working BGs and Arena for my BiS loot, while later buying M Nath runs for replacement gear as the expansion rolls on.

  7. the first rank for rated gear is combatant someone checked it from getting a rated item from the weekly vault .so i think it only goes up to duelist which is amazing


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