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Patch 11.0.7 is coming soon and its introducing a whole host of new features. We have a brand new zone, a powerful item level 639 ring that everyone can get very easily, and a lot of popular events like Plunderstorm will be returning.
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Timestamps –
0:00 – 12 New Features in Patch 11.0.7
0:40 – New Zone Siren Isle
2:33 – Tempest mode
3:03 – Powerful new ring
5:05 – New island gameplay options
5:41 – Unique in game model!
6:07 – New story quests
6:59 – Turbulent Timeways returns
8:49 – Racial ability tuning changes
9:23 – Big holiday event updates
9:58 – Potential release date
11:24 – Cross faction group queues
12:31 – 3 new meta achievements
13:27 – Profession knowledge respec coming soon
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The ringsystem is the only negative thing for me actually. It feels to much like borrowed power :/ and where i read first a familiar person from darkness i thought wtf sylvanas comes back 😂
lol i misread the title as "Get a free 693 ring" and i was like holy crap yes please!
These look good and I think I'm most excited for the racial changes; though I think Void Elves should just have a port like blink instead of having to launch a portal.
blizzard can’t come up with any new ideas yet again.. rinse and repeat content that everyone’s going to get bored of after a week. lol laughable.
Man all we get since timeless isle in MoP is chore content…
Man it's so annoying just let us play crossfraction all the way blizzard.
Game is dead go next
Ty for bfa island
I seen a wooden golden broom mount like that in game and thought it looked cool as hell
I like the ring showing like that. Hopefully they are using what actually worked in DF with amulet. Gems activating each other sounds fun
They really don't value paying customer's time, i now just play for 6ish weeks of a new expansion then save my money till another full content patch is released.
Ring transmogs? Sounds good.
13:56 what I m most looking forward to is the next video of Kelani
No Kelani, there is not a lot coming in the patch. it's another overrated area that we have all seen before just to gear alts in gear that is irrelevant.
copium ring, but 639 for solo casuals is good
Why just why are they using their resources on something they now know will be used for about a month and then NEVER touched again?
Damage gems are weak af. Obviously they dont need to be your top dmg abilities but if they dont tune them, I would rather use heal/shield gems as dps lmao. Mastery/secondary gems will be bis probably, the one that triggers gems for allies gonna be broken somehow and will be required in all content. Lets see how they fk up the balance with the ring.
are we already done with the xpac, since its time for a new currency rare farm isle… sad
Pfff again will lose allot of stats with the ring
i want dalaran crater portal 2.0
So …AI made forbidden reach, crappy ring at a low ilvl, no new dungeon or raid and more copypaste content no one wanted ot asked for …
Oh look another re-color of the ugliest shadowlands themed mount …. thats worth 15 bucks a month !
Plunderstorm, a great way to drive off more players
Omg haha the timegating is real. Skipping this one. I almost have enough bronze tokens to basically be done until whenever 11.1 comes out. The most exciting part of this patch is going to be the 3d ring, give me transmoggable rings!
Free ring on a new island omg omg omg and a FILL UP THE BAR QUEST?! A NEW CURRENCY?! These devs are totally not creatively bankrupt!
Updates to cross faction random queues is INSANELY generous
I really wish they'd stop with all the new currencies. Sick to death of having to keep track of it all.
The BFA meta achievement is very intensive, so if you haven't done much of BFA, you should get started.
Why is it always a new currency? Cant we just have two currencies? One for upgrading gear and one for vendors? It’s ridiculous I miss one week and idk wtf anything does
so what happens if i already put gilded crests on two 639 rings? did i just waste a myth track weekly vault?
Oh yay! Another borrowed power system….heavy sarcasm on the excitement
They should just get rid of all the cross faction nonsense and give us an option for faction only queuing so the few that care can make use of it.
Did u see anything about a potential recolor of WoD CM weapons from timewalking?
+13000 stamina…what is the point of number crunches if they're not going to remain reasonable?
its nots free upgraded ring you need to work to up to it.. (its a bit of a grind)
Hey Kelani,, I'm a big fan of your work, i really like your style of video, i wanted to asked permission to base my videos on your style, if that's ok, of course I can't edit like this, but i want to try.
Fuck their rings!