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And based cant even get a full nights sleep either!
Obligatory self plugs:
(I dont use twitter anymore so.. )
Read more about Shadowlands ➜
And based cant even get a full nights sleep either!
Obligatory self plugs:
(I dont use twitter anymore so.. )
Finally met the drider and some of the Thorm family I see. Already having so much fun in shadow-cursed lands!
Minor spoilers below for a couple things you missed for Astarion… ignore if you don’t want to know 😅
If you dance with Wyll and let him kiss you, Astarion will get a little jealous and ask you to choose one of them. I’m a sucker for drama lol so I did this on my recent playthrough just so I could get the dialogue.
Also if you give the Necromancy of Thay to Astarion and make him open it, there is a cute/funny cutscene the next time you go to camp.
the first joke of the vido sent me FLYING
It ends with Wyll trying not to cry, tragic
I just let Astarion read the book for the first time recently, still haven’t gotten to sorcerous sundries to get him the second part, but tbh that cut scene after you give it to him did not make me feel confident that he has any fukn idea what to do with the book. If I miss out on that create undead spell coz he’s a dumbass im gunna get mad
bayzed chaddington going to create more connors to rule the world
Thisobald Thorm is cheeked up
Based’s face when he turned down yet another companion: Based Saddington
ok i dont remember where i was when this played out with gale but IM GLAD I WASNT PRESENT BECAUSE HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO HIM LIKE THAT
wouldnt say you're bad you just go with the flow and thats why I always come back to your videos stay humble my guy