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Going Zero To Hero In World Of Warcrafts Cataclysm Classic By taking a New Character From No Gear to there BIS Gear
Join me on the World of Warcraft Journey through questing , dungeons and raids as we take a class from Zero to Hero
I’m Antijax and I want to bring you as much World of Warcraft Content I can , Mainly aimed at different types of World of Warcraft Challenges , Like Achievements , Gearing up PVP , PVE and all things wow!
#worldofwarcraft #wow #wowclassic
I'll see you again nannyslagg and drdrakken don't you worry…. ( also the key words said by thorx was I'm deleting this character) he's hard to understand I know
We need more episodes
Really enjoyed this episode and voice over bro subscribed and liked look forward to the next one
You sound and edit like you’ve been doing this for years. Just oozes quality. Props man, I look forward to the next!
Damn man, that´s some good editing! Can´t wait for the next episode….. I´m leveling a warlock as my first alt atm, hope I can steal some tricks off of you 😛
You deserve way more subs than you got rn. Can't wait to see future episodes 😀
Affliction ewww 😛 Acccctuaallllly Thrall isn't the horde leader anymore and a part of the Earthen Ring .
I love your warrior name!
BIG W video, nice one
Can you drop your ui?
I usually only watch Zero to Hero for retail, but I saw this recommended from youtube and thought I'll give it a try and I was not disappointed! Looking forward to see more!
100 hours into Cata and just wanted to confirm that yes, the players are the monsters kek XD
Great video, I’m stuck deciding on my alt rn between shadow priest, mage, Hunter, shaman. I’d play warlock but I retired my lock and pally for this expansion
Your account is small, but the video is great. Keep it up!
Like the warrior name. RiP reckful
Where is part 2
Come on bro next episode please
First time viewer here, great vid it got recommended , you sound like a local lad to me, so I've subscribed, look forward to the Zero to Hero journey!
What addon on 20:59?
nice video looking farward to next episode 🙂 subbed 🙂
Checking the DPS ranking to see what spec is performing better to decide what you are gonna play makes me sad inside.
bro i have full pre raid bis as an ele shaman and just found out I could be purging elemental bulwark wtf. You made me the hero today thank you
ONLY 300 SUBS? Amazing video, sending love from South Florida
fel hunter purges. thank me later