Gold Making | A World of Warcraft Beginner's Guide | Shadowlands

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We break down the very very VERY basics of gold making in World of Warcraft Shadowlands, from what the game steers you to farming to going off the beaten path.

Soul’s Morning Stream – 830AM Tuesday through Thursday
Raid Streams – 7PM Tuesdays and Thursdays

0:00 Intro
1:30 Daily Content
4:03 About auctions
5:07 Gathering and farming
10:09 Playing the Auction House Example

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29 thoughts on “Gold Making | A World of Warcraft Beginner's Guide | Shadowlands”

  1. I find that the bfa world drop mounts like the hyena and stallion (there’s on more I’m forgetting) vary heavily in price. I’ve seen them sell for 300k, and I’ve bought my own for about 50k. Shortselling is also a good way to make money. Post some heavy callous hide for 10g and see if someone mindlessly throws a stack up at your price, then you buy it and repeat until you have enough you want to sell. Can pay off huge if you get lucky off of someone not paying attention.

  2. I started leveling a bunch of alts, each of which picked up mining/herb/skinning, and I just post all of the materials they gather, all of the greens they loot, etc. to the AH. It's been surprisingly more gold than I expected!

  3. I mostly make raw gold, you know what you have when you are done making gold, because you dont have to worry abourt if you get undercut on ah. I also sell shadowlands mats on AH, but my main income is raw gold. I have 9 characters in max level, and doing callings on all 9 every day, I just hit renown 40 on 7 of them this week and they all are caped on souls, meaning it will get easier for me to get 1000 anima every week, and I start getting 7×1500 extra gold each week, so easy 10,5k raw gold for me on top of callings and paragon boxes (around 3,5k per box) and mission tables and stuff i sell on AH. So I think I make a good amount of gold each week.

  4. How do i make gold: I play the game

    I know it sounds stupid, but honestly, all i do is play the game… i don't go out of my way, i farm very little, just ocasionaly picking herbs and minning while im doing my wqs. I sell some of the matz i get tru the ah and some i use to level my professions. That's pretty much it, and while i don't have the gold cap or anything like that, i do have the brutosaur mount, i havent spend a cent in wow since the token came out, paid for legion, bfa, shadowlands, my monthly fee, some mounts and pet from the store with my gold… got the recruit a friend rewards using my gold, even paid for other games with my gold, like OW, Destiny 2, ive gifted a couple expansions and month time to friends, etc.

    I don't think gold is that hard to get nowadays. Is just a matter to play the game and do the stuff you regularly should be doing and you'll get enough 😉

  5. I can wholeheartedly recommend farming the mission table. I'm making ~500k gold a month from the mission table alone (12 max level toons at the moment), and most of my characters I don't even need to log more than once or twice a week, I can just send them on missions from my phone. A sizable initial time investment to level enough alts, stock them up on 3-5 followers (the more the merrier) and ~1k anima, but from then on, it's a self-sustaining gold printing machine. Not the fastest printer, mind you, but past the initial investment, it's so, so, so very easy.

  6. even better, if you either have a tauren druid or a worgen druid, you take skinning and herb on them and you can pull all of the mobs before the first boss, skin them, then all of them before the house, herb them, double dip and make the runs take longer so you dont get locked out as fast.

  7. I find that flasks, food, heavy armor kits, and legendary enchanting mats are my biggest earners by a fairly large margin. They're the lowest risk and sell consistently, as anyone who takes PvE seriously AT ALL will be buying flasks and food. Plus, most tanks will use armor kits. Just make sure to buy your materials in bulk when they are cheap, and use guides to level up the profession.

    I really only bring this up because the various tricks that people come up with are usually difficult to pull off compared to selling commonly used items. For example, my server is so small that we only see several Sallow Pigment on the AH at any one time. The demand could be 1/50th of that on a large server like Sargeras. I'd be reposting them hundreds of times before making more than 5k gold. On the other hand, the items I mentioned sell by the hundreds or thousands daily.

    This is also the lowest time investment for gold making out of anything. Re-posting twice a day and scanning for cheap materials only takes 30 minutes.

  8. That's one of the things that I learned during my time playing WoW. You'll never have enough gold if you constantly spend it. I usually make mount purchases only if I KNOW that in 2-3 days I can make the money I spend back.
    That's one of the reasons I bought a Tundra Mammoth was that I needed A vendor mount, but I didn't NEED an expensive ones. That said 150 k for the Yak…. 😐 No way I can get that back in 2-3 days.

  9. I have maxed out enchanting but you can do that even earlier. Follow the price of the main reagents and preferably buy when they dip low. Around peak times go to the AH and look for the enchants that you can make and have good profit margin. Start making a posting the ones that actually have some profit ( for me 50g+ ). Make sure yours are at the top always but don't post that many. Alwasy have some on you so you can quickly repost if someone bumps you down. I've done 30k ish in an hour but its APM intensive. SOme days it wasnt even worth doing over doing the callings on my alts or logging on their mission tables but at first it was kind of addicting.

  10. For newer players, don’t underestimate the Fishing skill. Iridescent Amberjack and Elysian Thade regularly go for 50+ gold a piece. Take some bait, fish for 20 mins or while you’re waiting for your dungeon queue. You should come out with 40-50 fish in just those 20 mins.


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