Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond Review

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My spoiler free review of the Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond.
I hope you’ll enjoy ^_^

Want More Lore?!
The Story of Warcraft – Full Version
The Curious Case of Sylvanas & The Jailer
The Story of The Cosmic War of Warcraft
The Story of The Cosmic War of Warcraft:

Intro screen made by Pakulia:

The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)

Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod

World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®


#Worldofwarcraft #Lore #Story #WoW


43 thoughts on “Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond Review”

  1. I'm not okay with the new lore and I don't like it. For everyone who enjoys it, lucky you.
    What I DO like are all your former lore videos, Nobbel. I've heard them over and over again and I think, personally I'll stick with the old lore – which I used to love very much. I'm not longer interested in the game, but your awesome lore videos I'll take with me into the future and I'd like to thank you for all the passion and effort you've put into them.
    You deserve a better story to dive into, than WoW can deliver it. Stay safe and healthy!

  2. God you really are just a lost Nostalgic fanboy. If you played through FFXIV's story you'd turn back and laugh at WoWs. Its amazing how easily you forgive your precious Blizzard Lore.

  3. They write off whatever suits them. Unreliable narrator is the game itself. Why get invested when they'll just retcon it? Can't wait until the Jailer was secretly serving the Warden who secretly serving the Judge who actually created Azeroth and the Lich King.

  4. What blizz does to the lore is not expand but trying to overexplain the things we didnt even ask for in the first place, making connections with story threads that were menth to connect to something better and all of this feels like Steve Deneuser and co. doing fanfiction, Imean…first thing he did being boss of the narrative? Self insert himself via Nathanos, not biased at all.

    SAME WAY mind you that Metzen inserted himself into his orc, he got too attached and that likely affected his story telling going forward. Even if not directly, defo subconciously. I mean I get that, I would feel attached to my DnD character that I've had for 6+ years that was then gonna be inserted into a commercialy viable game. The writers need some big proffesional distance from their characters/story. It's they who should zoom out, not us.

  5. I'm definitely interested in the shadowlands lore! I'm also so glad to be learning it with and through you. I of course have some annoyances with some of the decisions but overall I'm invested in it as well and excited

  6. honestly at this point blizzard themselves are unreliable narrators. How many times in the recent lore have we been given more context and change to how things actually played out? Case and point Ellune not doing anything or sylvanas having everything be apart of her plan? One of my major frustrations with current wow lore is it's hard to invest in something that is constantly being changed on us

  7. I just feel like they use the "it's from [flavor of the month character(s)] perspective" to sell more books and to have the freedom to "retcon" details. I mean it's totally realistic that different cultures would have a different answer to the whole cosmology chart thing, just like IRL religions / cultures but it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth because I know it's probably not true just like the chart before that. I get that the old chart isn't retconned, it exists in the universe but why should I buy their book if this is just another "maybe it's true, maybe not" kind of situation?

    I mean, giving us new information and a new perspective from a different character or whatever is totally cool and fine and they can be wrong about in universe stuff, that is totally fine, BUT I have to spend money on a new product to get that information and I kind of feel disrespected if some of the stuff turns out to be wrong.

    The fact that nobbel says "I do hope that the Broker knows what he's talking about" in this video sums it up pretty well for me. I spent 30 dollars on this book and I can't be sure if the information is correct. What kind of crap is this?

  8. As much as I love your vidoes, whenever a new book comes out I can't help but to think; how is someone new to WoW going to get a hand of WoW's entire storyline? Blizzard needs to put serious pondering into this issue. The game is screaming it has no place for newplayers for story lovers. There has to be a main quest line that ties the expansions together and creates a wholeness.

  9. Most of the dreamers in the comments must remember they are alive, they live in a "real" universe, with rules and laws and what is part of it is represented as good/bad things/points in the fictional stories too.

  10. this book is nothing more than a goddam wikipage you need to have alongside to understand what is happening in a game we are paying. None of the stuff this book has is not explained in the game, a game we pay.

  11. WoW used to be good. Now it's just constant retcons and write offs to suit Activision-Blizzard's needs.

    The "story" isn't even worth investing time into anymore and the lore is a hot mess.

    The whole Tyrande and Elune thing being tossed aside and Teldrassil incident ending up "oh well, forget that! Just move on :)" really pissed me off and was the final nail in the coffin for me.

    They have shoved entire amazing storylines that could have been whole patches or entire expansions into a few sentences, 1 cinematic or 1 ingame offside chat.

    Battle For Azeroth could have easily been 3 full story rich expansions. Which you think Activision-Blizzard would do as it would mean more money. But nope, they just threw everything into the wind and wondered why we were annoyed that a whole old god barely had a patch and just got laser beamed out. What a cop out.

    WoW is dead. Has been a while, they are just beating the dead horse until there is barely dust left of it. The whole lawsuit situation now is just speeding up the process.

  12. Retconning the story to make the Jailer responsible (or be a driving factor) of a load of major events as far back as Warcaft 3 is something I'll never be on board with. It honestly comes across as disrespectful towards the existing lore and somewhat arrogant in a "this new character is SO important, he was behind everything all along" kind of way.

  13. For me, I can't invest myself in the new lore that Blizzard is adding to WoW because it lacks any human elements. Learning about cosmic forces and manipulative powers is all well and good, but without likeable and understandable character, it's hard to understand how any of these far-off concepts affect Azeroth and the people on it – that's why people dislike this new direction.

  14. This new lore isn't retcon , retcon would be the chronicles book for example which changed established lore.
    People are complaining about WOW lore now because they are unhappy with the game and it's "cool" to complain about Blizzard now days and again I can use the example above , when the chronicles come out and retconned almost everything we know about the lore no one complain but now they had more context to the other forces and lore behind that everyone is losing their shit.
    WOW is fine the only big problem is Sylvanas because they change circumstances for her to always win.

  15. That was quite short, couldn't get enough!
    I wish you could show the book in its physical outlook. I heard the cover design is quite impressive, I'd love to see it and your reaction over it. I mean I'd love to see a non-spoiler-free episode with some inside talk and dive in ;b

  16. Retcons or not, the lore has sucked for some time now. The more they try to connect things to one another and to overexplain things, the worse it gets. At this point it is already beyond saving I fear. Blizz wrote their Warcraft universe into the ground, so they might as well just reboot it and try to re-write it competently. Hopefully they do that with SC as well as they wrote that game like a fanfic too

  17. I have the original 3 chronicles and like them but this book just feels like the narrative's team attempt to justify their own story twists and turns at every moment to suit their fancy.

  18. So wait, the book is from a Broker's POV, but they could be wrong about what they're saying, in the form of this book…? What??
    I love you Nobbel and will continue watching your videos for as long as you post them, but RIP WoW 🙁

  19. I love it when they tell the story from the point of view of a character inside the story. This means that they could perceive things in the wrong way, and I love watching these lore-fanatics cry foul.

    Some people are overly sensitive to minute details.

  20. What makes you think that just because you have seen something happen in game, that it could not just be rendered not true by something they are introducing or will introduce? This is the problem with re-writing your lore via present or future revelations. This is a literary tool. It is perfectly fine to use. However, you abuse it, and it becomes a problem. A reveal here and there. Sure. But major regular changes just delegitimize the story. If I can't trust anything your story has to say then what's the point of paying attention to it?

  21. Sorry mate, but for the first time I have to dislike your video. The WoW lore is a mess at this point with the constant retconning and the destruction of prior established lore.


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