Hardware Multiboxing in World of Warcraft for Shadowlands

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This is planned to be a multipart series. I’ve been getting a lot of requests to what I am using, and wanted to make an easy to find spot for it. This isn’t a definitive guide, but as of now that is what I’m using. This is also not advising anyone to get anything in here. Blizzard can change their ToS further at any point. I’m just working with in the rules as of the time of this posting.
Within is my current setup to Multibox in World of Warcraft using just hardware with no Software Broadcast mirroring.

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14 thoughts on “Hardware Multiboxing in World of Warcraft for Shadowlands”

  1. I've been trying to think about so many different ways around this problem.I still have to build 1 laptop and build another PC(which I love to do) but I've decided to go with 4 keyboards and have my mouse control my healer.If it all works out I'll have a pretty crazy setup that would involve my limbs going frantically but hopefully I can get back to doing mythics solo.

  2. Oh lol just found your thread on dual-boxing, saw this video and thought "Wait what? I MISSED this video? But you just uploaded it and updated the thread haha". Thanks for the video and sharing your setup!

    You say you're 80% but what is missing from this hardware setup compared to software? You use 2 keyboards right now instead of a single one? I'm not quite sure why you can't control all at the same time with a single keyboard with that km switch.

    I figure I'd need 3 old PCs (I have 1 old one) that I could get for about 50 bucks plus a graphics card which are always way overpriced for some reason. Even 5 year old entry cards like GT 730 still cost like 30 bucks. But it's still a crazy investment.
    I wonder if there is a high res monitor that has 4 inputs with quad view? (EDIT: Yes there are somewhat affordable 32 and 42" 4k monitors that can do it)

  3. Goodluck hardware boxing is apparently now bannable from the Head-GM for the US Community. you are not allowed to play more then one character at a time this will include anything hardware or 3rd party related. someone else from my guild who did hardware boxing a 3 box just had their accounts banned and is majorly upset guess more will be getting hit it's a shame.

  4. So i hear people are getting banned for multiboxing. I have been reported and havent even gotten a warning. I do 1 action per click/button press per game client. I cant solo dungeons but i leveled 5 toons to 50 in 10 hours of game play time mostly by gather herbs and ores with rested xp. Its a way more grueling experience but i am pretty sure i am safe from being banned. I basically play with 1 toon. And use the healer when we need heals. Sometimes ill use the other 3 dps for their aoe spells or big burst macros. My intention is to benefit from doing 5x the world quests and 5x the gathering farming. So far so good. If i need to do some serious content i will just do it solo.


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