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Timegating mechanics in World of Warcraft have always been a factor, but is there TOO much in Shadowlands?
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#Manthieus #Shadowlands #timegating
As you say time gating has always been a part of the game but when done well it can add to the game, for example raid lockout once per week although time gating provides a great weekly structure to build the game around without being too restrictive. The opposite to this is reputations which are awful at the moment compared to the freedom of the tabard system in WotLK and Cata.
Up until your final point, I thought: “yeah timegating sucks. But it does force me to stop grind the new content to spend time leveling alts or grinding mounts, which I do enjoy still.” But then when you mentioned the point of forcing customers to pay triple for timegated content- I now 100% agree, that’s painful
Here is a reason. Blizzard as well as i don't want nerds ready to sink their lifes to go and take everything, making the game pointless for the rest normal players. In other words to give equal chances players who have less time for the game to be competitive.
Besides that when everything is accomplished in day 1 – there is nothing to go for after.
I think LFR is Time gated to stop "better" players getting easy upgrades to be used in the harder modes, there's literally no other reason for it to be the slowest to unlock
Cool. have you thought about the consequences of no time-gating? What about the layer of design required to deal with consequences? It doesn't take an expert to point out the deficiencies of a system, but it does take some insight to talk about how to fix them though.