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So the first step towards getting this Transmog is to get the Achievement “Warglaives of Azzinoth”. You get this by collecting both the Main Hand & Offhand warglaive from Illidan, the final boss of The Burning Crusade raid The Black Temple. They each seem to have a 5% drop rate which isn’t too bad but here’s the kicker – You have to be able to equip both of them to earn the achievement. Now you don’t HAVE to do this on your Demon Hunter. The glaives are equippable by Rogues, Warriors, Death Knights, Monks and Demon Hunters so you can farm on multiple characters every week. It doesn’t matter which character you get the achievement on, as long as you get BOTH parts and can equip them, you’re golden.
That being said, if you ARE doing this farm on a Demon Hunter there’s a super secret skip you can utilize that will cut your run time in half.
You’ll want to head into The Black Temple and clear all the way past Supremus. Of course you don’t have to clear all the trash, skip what you can, mount up when you get to the outdoor area and give Supremus a slap on the ass as you walk by him if you want.
Once you get inside, take a left and you’ll see a chain. This might take you a few tries but you basically have to scale the chain using double jump and glide, you can see in the video here how I do it. Once you get high enough, if you turn around, you’ll see a terrace that you can jump onto and you can head straight to Mother Sharaz, past the Council fight and onto Illidan.
Once you get the Achievement “Warglaives of Azzinoth” you then need to head into the Black Temple Timewalking event in ANY character and defeat Illidan again. Because you have the Warglaives of Azzinoth Achievement you’ll then be rewarded with another Achievement called “I’ll Hold These For You Until You Get Out”. This now rewards you with the Demon Hunter only privilege of being able to transmog the Warglaives onto any weapon.
So just to reiterate you DO NOT need to do both of these steps on your Demon Hunter. They can be done on any characters as long as they can equip the glaives for the achievement in step 1.
The Burning Crusade Timewalking Event is back for this week only so don’t sleep on this.
I’m assuming it will be back again at some point but as of right now, it’s unclear when.
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where i can find this raid ?
1:28 video starts
if i dont have the claives and go in the timewalking does it count when i eventually get the glaives? or i must first have them both and then get the achivement
I didnt quite get the steps with the timewalking raid … Am i supposed to go there first or what ?
2 min after watched the video got the main hand…Now can i get the off hand from different character or it has to be exactly the same?
I assume trying to get the weapons initially is a weekly reset right?
I thought on every DH they automatically start with those green glavies
Si if I only have my dh and I don’t have the glaives I’m fucked, they didn’t drop
the glaives arent on the timewalking loot table
i am trying to get the warglaives for half a year now so fck me right ?
I got the shard of azzinoth … do I just keep doing it untill I get the warglaives ?
Man every group Im in fails it’s so annoying I’m never gunna unlock this mog
Edit: update got the clear woot
So basically you can't get this transmog if you don't have the first achievement yet ? Cause even if your lucky you spend the week to get the first achievement …
im confused, so if you get the 1st step achieve on a diff char other than a DH, then how do you wear the glaives on your dh to get the 2nd step achieve? transmog a pair of warglaives and then kill illidan ?
can you do the TW raid solo or does it have to be a group. Also is it scaled up and harder when it is a timewalking raid?
Hi Jedith, so do I have the standard raid(non event) one first then the time walking one?
My DH have both glaives. Can I do the TW on my warr or rogue that don't have glaives?
Got the blades already
That’s what I did climb it took me awhile but I finnnaly did it
can i use the skip method with a warrior and rogue
I havent got a single warglaive drop and now its week of the event 🙁 is it possible to kill illidan with event and after few wipes they both drop and i get mog? or do i have to get them first
Bro seriously. It's far better to use an alts save to go straight to illidan