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Weakaura Courtesy of @Preach Gaming https://www.dropbox.com/sh/aexdoru4iusl1ei/AABXGGphg5gnx9OxjImfp6u1a/Individual%20Weak%20Auras?dl=0&subfolder_nav_tracking=1

Hey guys, I hope everyones well. Today we’re going to be looking at the Momentum talent. I feel like it has a stigma around it of being a super high min/maxer talent that requires you to be a 5head elite gamer to use. This is completely not the case. It’s actually quite simple once you take a step back and look at it. Hopefully this guide will help you feel a bit more comfortable with using this talent because it’s always good to have options and not be locked into one build, all the time (as cool as Demonic may be)

Ok so, first thing’s first. Weakauras. Momentum is significantly easier to manage if you have a way to track its uptime. If you don’t already have a havoc weakaura pack, you can head over to wago.io and find one there OR you could get the exact one you see on the screen here – I’ll put a link to that in the description as well. This one was made by Preach so credit goes to him. It comes in 4 separate parts but it shows you absolutely everything you need to be aware of.
So when it comes to actually putting Momentum into practice, it’s actually quite simple. If we look at the talent tooltip, we can see that when we use Fel Rush it increases ALL of our damage by 15% for 6 secs. We have two charges of Fel Rush that are on a 10 sec. Recharge time. It IS possible to use both charges of your Fel Rush to get a full 12 seconds of Momentum uptime, though it’s not advised as you probably won’t have enough big damaging abilities to fill your entire window. The only time this could potentially work is at the start of a pull on a boss where you’ll likely be using Meta.

Any other time, you always want to keep one charge of Fel Rush banked.

Basically what it comes down to is always filling your Momentum windows with your high damaging abilities. Glaive Tempest, Eye Beam, Covenant Abilities (sinful brand, The Hunt, Elysian Decree) On-Use Trinkets, Annihilation and Death Sweep. Because Fel Rush has such a short recharge time and we have two charges, you should always be able to have momentum up for any of those abilities.

The main rule is try to never sit on two charges of Fel Rush but keep an eye on the rest of your abilities. Let’s say you have two charges on fel rush BUT your eye beam is gonna come off cooldown in 5 seconds. It may be worth holding that fel rush charge for a few seconds just to make sure your eye beam is available as soon as you start your momentum window, as to not waste precious momentum uptime.

The other thing to keep in mind with this talent is the second half of the tooltip. Vengeful Retreats cooldown is reduced by 5 secs and generates 80 Fury over 10 seconds if it hits an enemy (this means it can’t be used to generate fury pre-pull).

This also allows us to use Retreat to get out of mechanics instead of wasting a fel rush charge. For example, say the boss is about to do a big aoe slam around him and we have to move out of it. Instead of Fel Rushing away and putting ourselves into momentum, we can dump our current fury pool, retreat away from the aoe and then fel rush back in with some fury in our bar and a fresh stack of momentum so we can start blasting again.

If you’re fighting enemies near a wall or object (this is something you can train your tank to do, if they don’t already) you can fel rush INTO the wall as to not lose uptime on the enemy. Fel rushing AWAY from an enemy then having to move back in is going to be a huge loss in dps so you always want to keep your eye on the terrain around you to spot things you can fel rush into. This works with things like rocks, fences and walls.

Secondly, you want to consider WHERE you’re going to be Fel Rushing to if for example you’re fighting a big boss in the middle of the room with no walls to bump into.

Ideally, you want to take the boss’s hit box into consideration and aim yourself on an angle. Staying in a relatively safe position, keeping in range of the rest of your party and providing yourself a clear path to Vengeful Retreat back to if necessary. You want to avoid going THROUGH mobs unless of course you’re fighting a pack of say 15 enemies and the damage of your Fel Rush would be substantial. But generally if you’re only fighting one enemy, you want to stay on the outside of their hit box.

Key things to remember:




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  1. Hey nice videos bro, I started wow 2 weeks ago and I randomly went for dh havoc. I'm starting mythic dungeon soon so I would like to know if you have guides for talents and spell rotation for dungeons ?
    Gameplay would be awesome to see!
    Bcuz you said that momentum is good for dps on raids but do you use it in dungeons ?
    I'm a noob

  2. Just a added tip, you can fel rush passed enemies if you have felblade up. I also try to maximize fel rushing through as many targets as possible since its uncapped. Would love to get back the prepatch unbound chaos to go with this build. Lastly, if nightfae try and position yourself that when you felrush through enemies you can activate the hunt to hit the most targets as well to maximize its damage. Thanks again for the content, we got to keep DH alive!

  3. Hey Jed I've just picked up DH.. I wanted know if Immolation Aura ticks are effected by haste and if so should I use it after Eye Beam If lines up?..Thx for the thorough guides👍

  4. I can´t play with Momentum this is not realy feeling good to play i raidet today but with random people we cleared only 5/10 and i did with 174 gs only 2,3k dps in singel target but i played with blind fury, Insatiable Hunger, Glaive Tempest, Cycle of Hatred, Demonic. Feels so much better and makes me personaly so much more fun to play.

  5. I watched this video just before the raid…and thank Jedith I did it. I´ve never played Momentum before, and I was confused with the rotation. Overall, the dps was higher than I expected. I need a lot of practice, but It was a nice feeling (overcoming the odds of playing a not-so-tuned class). Thanks again, Jedith, you deserve more credit for your awesome videos!

  6. Funny how Havoc is probably the most simple DPS Alex without momentum but probably the most complicated (debatable) with momentum.

    It’s clear that Havoc was definitely designed to let players choose how complex they want their game play which is really awesome.

  7. I might try this, but I’m having fun with the cycle build Rn. Very fast paced.

    I absolutely hate the cycle build in dungeons tho, so maybe this could work idk. But I know that having options is nice.

    Wonder if the biff works on Elysian Decree AND it’s duplicate from the conduit.

  8. Gonna be really hard to kill the muscle memory of playing demonic for 3 years :(. Thank you for the guide!

    Is having the damage numbers fixed on the enemy nameplate an addon, setting in wow, or part of your UI? Really like that but I play with the standard UI


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