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Here’s a first look at the new dungeon Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr. Unfortunately this was filmed only minutes after the servers came up so everything was incredibly unstable. We would disconnect every 4 minutes, which I did my best to edit out. The frequent disconnects led to some of my keybinds not working randomly. User settings would get reset every DC so I think it had something to do with that. You’ll notice that there’s only a few times throughout the dungeon that Immolation Aura actually worked despite me pressing it pretty often. Anyway, will get better videos for you all as the testing period goes on but for now, here’s your quick first look. Enjoy!
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#wow #worldofwarcraft #shadowlands #jedith
Dude keep up the great job. Feels like a new video everyday!
Even this alpha gameplay looks more interesting the playin SB/cycle in M+. Hope they dropp DH talents soon!Thanks for the vids. Keep em comeing!
Nice video ,feels like everithing ( Even bosses) die too fast ,a little undertunned maybe?
I respect the amount of editing that had to have gone into this video with all the issues and DCs you had. Thanks for the great alpha updates!
I remember that conversation well, We need an updated Uldaman, oh wait said NO ONE EVER
Still waiting for DH talent tree… cmon blizz
Damn man..must be 0 fun to play without any Talents. Come on Blizzard
Are we worried we havent seen much for DH yet for 10.0? Im a little nervous/anxious.
Didnt anybody notice that the dungeon is like 80% like Uldaman from classic? Or did I miss something
cmon quiccly
Great job nice vid!
The dungeon looks pooooog. If we only had the real DH experience 😛
Y’all ready for groups of 4 dragons and a tank? Lol
Damn, you've been pumping the videos lately, keep up the good work!
This is some quality shadowlands content!!!
its always nice to see things not working properly in alfa and beta there are many things that i find them very funny 🙂 and of course thx for the amount of time you spend to edit and make that videos ( do you do the editing or you get them edited somewhere else?)
Cant wait for the talent trees!
Uldaman, TBT!
Dude the dungeons looks great. Thanks for show casing it
Jedith plz make mythic + guide for shadow lands season 4 🙏
nice 😀
This is getting me excited about this expansion
im really excited to see what we get as DH talent tree
…so yea…sup dude…and about this..oh sup dude. And btw….oh sup dude…..but this…oh man wassaup dude…but anyway sup dude
If momentum stays im hoping it for being a havoc spec talent and demonic as class talent so we can have both of the two worlds
Uldaman is new?
Was never fan of uldaman back in the day, hope this update will spice it up.
Thank you for the extra informations
Looking forward to playing these new dungeons!
new dungeon Uldaman look cool
Dumb Question – when there are no talents, is it practically so that you only play with 0 talent points spent?