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Well…it’s a 17. I think Jerith did mention it depends on the level of key in the video, but I think a lot of up and coming DH’s just go on raider io and follow the top guys which actually isn’t always the best thing to do. Have yet to see a DH content creater explain what spec is good for what io bracket and tips on climbing. At least that’s what I’ve been trying figure out on my climb past 3k. Currently 2820, great info other wise.
Been running trail of ruin for the past month and a half with NF seems a little less self volatile than unbound depending on my next key i'll give unbound a go
no really
where can we get that directional weak aura that shows what gate to use for the next area?
Hey Jedith great video! love your content!
I have a doubt: in a fight like Xy'mox NF is viable for bursting the ads? I have 4 pieces of tier set with venthyr but Im having problem with how to use meta the best way possible. I can use meta to spread sinful brand in the frist set of ads and do a very good damage, but at the second set of ADs meta is recharging so I cant burst them and sometimes we wipe.
lock 9k overal lol you carry that keywith the rogue is normal have 13k when you carry someone
Jedith; it would be amazing if you could make a double legendary nightfae build guide. There are older guides but none within the last few months. Keep up the blasting.
Great content as always, us dh are lucky
13k as a havoc in a 17 is not blasting.
13k? thats not exactly blasting 😀 that do other classes without any tier set^^
Hey thanks for using my Shadowpriest Art he made for my character!
Another awesome DH vid, thank you.