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In this video I intentionally play like garbage. There are mistakes scattered all throughout this M+ key and its up to you to find them and report on them.
When you see me mess up, type it in the comments.
This is meant as an exercise to improve your skill at analyzing footage so you can do this for your own keys and footage. You can also share the knowledge and learn from others by reading all the comments.
inb4; “Jed this looks no different than your normal keys”
If this video is a success, i’ll post a follow up video going over “most” of the big mistakes.
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Watch out for tornados. Lol
We haven't gotten the 9.1 update.. Jedith is out of it!
Not enough spectral sight usage kappa
First You did not Use Meta
Secend You Did Not use arcane torent(If you R blood elf)
Third you Use Max Hp Mushroom
Fourth You Use darkness Way to early Which Is fine
Fiveth You Should Have waited for The Boss To Take 300% Dmg taken Then Pop Meta
I really Don't Mind The Game Though
mistake – playing melee during tornado week
1- u didnt use eyebeam before inserting the key to extend the meta duration
2- first pull u didnt dispel the adds (arcane torrent)
3-u didnt use meta at the second pack or towards the end of first pack
4-u took stamina mushroom instead of stats
5-using meta before pulling first boss. focusing boss instead of tree
delaying eyebeam and immolation aura in general
didnt watch the rest u r trolling u should be reported lol good vid good idea mate
1:12 Demonic Appetite
1:12 "pre"-meta
1:37 focusing st on bolstering
2:20 missed kick on diamond
3:00 wrong focus(?) idk
3:32 purple shroom
4:30 holding on to short cd's (immo aura, fel rush, eye beam)
5:00 darkness on pull, immo aura and fel rush miss
5:07 fel sweep on st (?)
5:30 meta on dead pride with eye beam up
5:38 only on ingra for entire fight
5:47 hit by frontal
7:44 stalkers dont cast anything, not sure if there is something stunable though
8:20 wrong mob targeted
8:45 could probably help a bit with the puzzle
8:57 standing in frontal
9:01 the singular use of nether walk in the entire dungeon
9:35 meta before eyebeam, no immo aura for 30 secs
10:00 frontal
10:15 trying to stand in bad but turns out it doesnt actually hurt :^)
10:16 darkness on pull
10:23 lining up with pride lines
10:33 another one
11:00 there is some game left behind your wa
11:49 staying out of bucking rampage early but not with 4x bolster
12:53 …
13:20 could imprison the fox at any time its far enough away from everyone else
13:50 eyebeam only until 14:20
14:17 "The Hunt" onto random clone, turns out to be correct, so actually 5head
14:33 fel rush through cc'ed fox
14:51 ^
14:55 then running into it
15:23 ^
16:25 no fel sweep
17:16 pride lines
17:25 darkness still to early
17:38 moving with pride lines, hit the healer, also leaving pride maybe a bit too early
20:45 targeting the reaver and not actually doing anything
21:35 probably not a good idea to pull that, one of the druids seems to aggree
22:17 early darkness
22:22 dashing with pride lines on you
22:35 cancelled eyebeam
22:38 moving with pride lines
23:39 now thats a respectable target for "The Hunt"
24:04 not moving away from mind link
25:00 hearthing without looting the chest
There is more that ive missed and some of the stuff ive listed is probably not wrong.
Don't flame too hard pls, i only play vengeance ^^
Keep up the good content, this is an interesting idea
The funny one was the last pride, imagine the team just knowing it and trying to dodge, I would have laugh. liked the video concept for time to time on the channel. Saludos 🙂
0:00 patch 9.1 hasn't even started mate 😜
Really nice video for us to see what basic mistakes everyone does once in a while! Thank you, Keep it up 😀
1.Missing shadowcore oil on one of the weapons
2.Didnt interrupt your marked target as diamond on 2nd pack of adds
3.Wrong mushroom consumed for stamina
4.Intentionally discarded focus on dps on adds
5.Wrong timing on darkness on Prides (should be used later on when higher stacks)
6.DPS on Ingra Maloch instead the fakin tree xD (first boss)
7.Disoriented on the first cast of the fakin tree(first boss)
8.Used Metamorphosis on bad timing before first boss
9.Used Hunt on the first 2 adds after first boss
10.Not helping the team to solve the puzzles for correct door
11.Getting disoriented of the first miniboss dragon
12.Casting Shadowdance on single target
13.Deliberatly going into the fox and getting freezed on 2nd boss
14.Breaking the cc with rush
15.Wrong positioning of the pride debuff
16.Not spreading from Mind link on last boss
17.Casting metamorphosis on last 2 pack of adds and not have it for last boss on tyranical xD
18.Using wrong legendary for Tyranical
Lovely video dude! Curious tho, I imagine this key was deliberately made like so, but why are you using bf/ih in an m+? You're dealing with multi targets the majority of the time, I feel like fb/dB would be superior in a situation where you want a consistent stream of aoe damage.
1:49 – 2:11 delaying immo aura for next pack. Would've gotten 1 more UBC off – edit "in general just missing a lot of immo aura uptime by leaving it off cd"
Use the hunt before eye beam or meta with the second pack
Honestly… havoc is underrated in 9.0 and will be really good in 9.1, it has nice flex in builds from keys to raid and c'mon… the flashy factor of dh is awesome :V
Hey man i was just curious what your overall average dps in in m+? I can't seem to get any higher with my current build at 5.6k. Was wondering what your numbers were to see if i should make the build swap.