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#wow #worldofwarcraft #shadowlands #jedith
im not watchnig this without timesteps, no way
love it! so hyped – im soaking up all the content.
This is a really excellent discussion, and exactly the kind of thing Havoc needs. We don't have really prominent community figures and the discord has a (earned) reputation for being unfriendly. Thank you to all the participants for doing this and drawing attention to the areas havoc is struggling in ❤️
How to buff Havoc AoE ? Nerf WW monk.
Lol … Cuz of u guys the first tier set is changed .. to something.. which now gives u f%¥©¥> all bonus damage .. I hope Ur happy
Now u just have a faster meta cd ..
Oh hey a logical discussion… something u 100% find in the DH discord 🤣
love it
Thanks for doing this Jedith! And thank you to the guests for bringing their high level knowledge and experience to the roundtable. Superbly organized and the panel did a fantastic job of addressing our most pressing issues at the core level, providing astute suggestions for tuning and changes, and staying on topic throughout. Solid content!
Wow, giving meta 2 charges would be badass. I would definitely prefer something like that.
This is low-key the most important video for DHs out there. The RWF raiders and high key pushers, with their infinite wisdom in the class, they don’t really share their information thoroughly with a wide audience. Thanks a lot for this round table Jedith.
I hang around the discord and try to help new players as much as possible, but having something like this for newer players or those that are worried of the discord is amazing. The insight that some of the big havoc heads is great and the conversation flows superwell. Big props man (wild putting a voice to Atrayen now tho)
Love this kind of content! Thanks men for doing this 🙂
1 minute in and he says top 200 US with 2 days is insane? What am I missing here
Edit: I just checked, us 200 is world 600. With 2 days is like lower end of average I suppose? Last tier i raided was 8.3 2 days around 490 world and we were so bad Jesus.
This was a really good discussion, even if I disagree with several of the points made. It was an interesting listen nonetheless!
I kinda disagree with any idea about vengence being so good is why bother taking havoc
The tank meta is defined by dps
If a buffer spec (monk dh warrior mage preist) if a dps that has a tank spec is bad then they use the tank spec (or healer if the healer is good) becuse well
Dps do more damage
It's only when you have a free spot that you take op tanks like prot pally
That's why in race to world first they had a BM monk (ww st sucks and MW is the worst rtwf healer) so they take bm
But the other buff specs are all good (havocs st is great in 9.1) so they take a tank like prot pally
Its was just becuse havoc sucked and the tank spec didnt suck to the point it did 0 damage plus got 1 shot by everthing which no tank was like that
you heard it here, jed will tank
Wordup is a fucking beast of enhancement shaman!!!
4 piece could be, when in meta you radiate demonic energy, doing proc dmg whenever you use an ability. Then just tune the proc dmg as needed, that would be pretty simple and kinda cool. It could give you a green glow or something.
This made me want to play havoc less. Thanks.
Pls Blizzard
Watched a 2 hour video about a class I dont play so I could support my boy Jedith. Interesting information though and I may put it to use some day.
NF Blade Dance go brrrrrrr!!!
I have a question. Is Kyrian havoc too weak? I know it's not one of the best. But is it too bad to be played at all?
I really enjoy these discussions.Hope to see more of these in the future!Thank you all!
Awsome video. Buddy you rock!!!
After playing Havoc as a main all tier, I just want out. It's not that I don't parse well, the spec itself doesn't feel good.
If my raid group didn't need the raid buff, I would play any other class. I loved playing DH as an alt in Legion and BFA, but now baseline DH feels empty.
Watched the video because I owe it to my raid group to be able to continue to drop purple parses, I just wish I enjoyed playing my DH. Thanks for the content as always 👍
Very nice conversation. Thanks for That. But i still Dont know what to Play in M+ 😂
Really loved this video. I love the super in depth discussions.
I'll just leave this here. I'm a casual player. Def not 1% but that doesn't mean I don't want to do +20s in time and try to push my luck for a bit over. I come home from work, I might have an hour or two max most nights to push a few keys. Most days I try to help guildies gear and learn how to do 15s or how to tank(not a great tank but am good at teaching)
Some of you will flame me to talk about timing +20s which I thought where a midnight's summer dream till recently myself too but with the right group it's easier than you think. Just need to progress slowly, do your 15s all at +2 and then all your 16s and so on and then you will see everything slowing down and you will be able to push 18s and 19s and 20s. Might be a hard limit around there but still doable.
I play with a Frost mage and a warr (arms and fury) and I always feel I am being carried. Apart from rare occasions where I am top ST target dmg on a boss I usually almost ALWAYS am the 3rd dps by 2-5%. There is a skill aspect there but when I pug the same keys with similar combos I'm usually top dps since ads die faster because of me and not the others. I play with very experienced players of over 10 years in the game while started play ret paly at the beginning of 8.3 and then slowly leveled the DH and swapped to it as main.
I might be better at the SD gauntlet overall if EVERYTHING goes right since I can sustain a lot of cleave after the initial Warrior burst.
Still… I feel like I am holding the group back when I can't compete with another melee class that brings the exact same utility as me apart from a couple of extra CCs.
I don't want to play rogue (not smart enough) I love the playstyle momentum brings, first blood and demonic should be baseline and then play around other things like fel rush increasing dmg or using fel barrage with uncapped dmg up to 8 targets and then reduced. On that row there should be a passive talent to reduce meta every 40 fury spent. That way the class is strong and in line with other specs and doesn't have to rely on external power. That's just icing.