HAVOC DH | TIER SET BONUSES DATAMINED! These look STRONG! Havoc Demon Hunter Shadowlands 9.2

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32 thoughts on “HAVOC DH | TIER SET BONUSES DATAMINED! These look STRONG! Havoc Demon Hunter Shadowlands 9.2”

  1. It's Tos tier set but adding RNg to it ngl it's good for bursty moment but also that's too RNg I hope this was only for raid
    For M+ we get another tier set cause in Aoe we can use blade dance But compare it to Eye beam It deals nothing at all

  2. I'm happy they want us to push BD/DS but of course they put this set out when we finally have a lot of options again – id rather see something unique with the bonuses in this case

  3. This sounds exactly like the Anima Power Im Torghast, but it worded very poorly. Looks like they were either deciding between a 15% chance for an empowered blade dance or to get a double blade dance every 5 blade dances?

  4. I'm pretty sure it means casting the 5th BD/DS will reset cd and refund its fury and the 6th BD/DS is empowered it has a 15% chance to reset cd again and refund its fury

  5. In torghast, the CA power gives you double extension to sinful brand when running the Venthyr Lego, which with one eye beam extends it to around 22 seconds. So the opener will give you around 40 seconds, you’ll get another eye beam during that which will extend it to the next eye beam. I think it’s better than dark glare.

  6. Every 5th blade dance will be free and give you an immediate 6th blade dance. There’s a 15% chance that 6th blade dance will ALSO be free and give you a 7th. The tip as written makes sense to me, so long as that’s what it’s saying.

  7. I would give a chance to Venth: Chaos Theory and Venth Legendary with Demonic and Cycle of Hatred… you do more Blade Dance -> you get CT proc means you do more Chaos Strike means more Eye Beam for expanding Sinfull duration…
    I don't know if it's all adds up, maybe it's to rng

  8. This tier for Havoc is a fucking shit.
    We are the only specializacion that his tier empowers an AOE ability that we don't even use in multitarget unless we have at least 3 targets, that in most builds isn't even used in this situation and that is only really used after wasting an important talent that isn't even worty in single target to empower the single target damage of this skill…
    If First Blood becomes baseline for the next patch as we begged all the expansion ok, no problem… but if this is really our final tier and we are forced to only play with a set of talents … i will cry…

    Well… at least Vengance is strong…

  9. Well it's not bonus set classwise it's bound to one talent…. Jezus it's way too stupid ….. They should buff eyebeam or something u use in havoc no matter what . This is just stupid and without creativity. Unholy DK gets nice set thematically and it's filling it's core

  10. Don't think the tooltip is all the confusing really though some comments here have it wrong. The real question for me is if the 6th BD that is cast empowered (and then the 7th, 8th etc. that you might cast) count towards the next 5 blade dances. If they do then this has pretty insane burst potential with good rng.

  11. I mean, I use bd all the time. To see that I'm going to be getting rewarded for actually using it, I can't complain at all. I just hope they can keep us in a solid A or even S tier for damage output in both pve and pvp

  12. My understanding of the 4 piece is that every 5th blade dance or death sweep it is empowered and if you cast the empowered ability you have a 15% chance to bring one of those abilities off cooldown.

  13. Really annoyed by this tier set, means I'm gonna lose my cycle of hatred talent just o be able to use blade dances, means less eye beams + nerf to demonic playstyle and potentially nerf to single target. Do we know if this is the only available tier set bonus for havoc or will there be other options?


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