HAVOC DH | WE GOT SINGLE TARGET BUFFS! | Havoc Demon Hunter Shadowlands

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This video has been a long time coming. We’ve suffered for the entirety of Shadowlands. We’ve been the butt of all jokes, we’ve been called a debuff with legs… This all changes now… Or does it?

Havoc received a handful of changes on the 9.1 PTR that could have some pretty awesome implications for us. So buckle in as we go over the changes and discuss how things might unfold.

Demon’s Bite damage increased by 15%.
Demon Blades (Talent) damage increased by 15%.
Chaos Strike damage increased by 15%.
(Don’t include right away) Annihilation damage increased by 15%.
Unbound Chaos (Talent) now increases the damage of your next Fel Rush by 500% (was 600%).

Initially it seemed like the buff only applied to Chaos Strike which would have been an effective buff to momentum (because momentum stays out of Demonic most of the time, getting more use out of Chaos Strike)


Annihilation was buffed last build but it wasn’t caught by the data mining. This was pointed out to us by our friend Wordup in the DH discord.

Annihilation seems to be +15% higher than the live value (same as chaos strike in the most recent build)

This is also an effective buff to other things that revolve around those two abilities such as Chaos Theory (Since it further boosts your Chaos Strike/Annihilation damage)
and the Relentless Onslaught Conduit, which we will most likely be using in 9.1 due to the accessibility of more conduit slots. Other talents that lean heavily on those abilities are Cycle of Hatred and Essence Break. We’ll have to wait for sims and we’ll need to test all the possibilities in a practical situation – but these are things to keep in mind when you see buffs like this.

The next thing we should look at is the change to Unbound Chaos.

It was adjusted (I’m choosing to say adjusted instead of nerfed) down to 500% from 600%
500% was what we initially expected it to be last patch, the 600% was a pleasant surprise

So what does this mean? It could go a couple ways but again, we’ll have to wait for the sims.

1) Nothing changes, UBC is still uncapped, costs no fury. It will still be good in ST and AOE. It may still be the best choice for ST because by not spending fury on GT, you have extra fury to spend on the now enhanced Chaos Strike and Annihilations.

2) Unbound is no longer the top pick for AOE, we might take GT instead.

So those are all the changes we saw on the PTR as of right now. Depending on how you look at it, it could seem insignificant or it could be huge. I think what’s most important is that Blizzard have acknowledged that our ST is a problem and they’re attempting to do something to fix it.

As I said in my Soulbind overlook video (click on the card in the top right), we still don’t have the full picture of things. We’re missing testing and sims, information on empowered conduits, demon hunters still haven’t seen their covenant specific legendaries and.. I just think there’s going to be a lot more tuning.

So overall, I’m really happy with these changes and I think we’re on the right path to being awesome again.


43 thoughts on “HAVOC DH | WE GOT SINGLE TARGET BUFFS! | Havoc Demon Hunter Shadowlands”

  1. If this makes us want to use Chaos Theory, won’t that mean we want to use First Blood as well and not Cycle? Or has the math indicated we’d still rather use Cycle and just use blade dance without first blood anyway?

  2. My name is Game Master Vashieby i work for Blizzard. I just wanna tell all you Demon Hunters that you have an ability called Blade Dance that we won't touch because it will confuse you all in the Council Of Blood fight dance section. So if you are hoping to get a Blade Dance buff – it won't happen – now cry me a river. wa wa

  3. Hey, what conduit do you recommend for now instead of relentless onslaught? I’ve been using that with growing inferno with the eye beam spam build while I am waiting on enough soul lash to get the burning wounds legendary.

  4. hey, i am trying to get KSM on my havoc dh and this week, 4/21, tyrannical is one of the affixes(just need 2 more 15s till KSM). So should I use burning wounds to help with the single target DPS, or do i stick with collective anguish? And for my lego, which missives do i use, crit and haste? or haste vers. And last question, what kind of stats should i look for on my gear. What talents do you use for mythics +


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