Another fun fact it was originally a player requested feature, around cata beta players requested the idea of worgen running on all fours and blizz liked it enough they added it in
The best part of that ability was that you can use it in mount restricted areas like the Maw from shadowlands. So you can lap people as they just slow ran it was great
I hate it and won’t use it. They run really Janky and it’s just not smooth enough. They are literally bounding all the time. They need to be able to run smoother.
Real fun fact as this was actually going to be how the Tauren race worked. They were going to have the plains running ability which would cause them to start running faster out of combat. This idea was scraped and later used for the worsen. Some private servers have restored this ability such as turtle wow.
It was originally based on the idea of the Taurens Plainsrunning mount thing which was scrapped in Beta I think. They were going to speed up as they ran until they reached the 60% or 100%. However it was scrapped because the design was for them to have to be running in a striaght line and they realized that that wasnt going to work and have them the kodos. Also I think that you could say that Druid "Mount Form" counts as this as well
Well Torrens had plain run in beta.
Another fun fact it was originally a player requested feature, around cata beta players requested the idea of worgen running on all fours and blizz liked it enough they added it in
The best part of that ability was that you can use it in mount restricted areas like the Maw from shadowlands. So you can lap people as they just slow ran it was great
Dracthyr are their own mounts too now technically albeit flying only now rather than ground like the worgen
I mean, dracthyr also have a mount replacement
Whenever I make a worgen i always use running wild untol i can fly
also, in shadowlands, when you couldnt mount in the maw, you could running wild. ask me how i know
He be a sigma alpha wolf
I noticed that they updated female worgens’ mount special. It used to be a quiet growl, but they changed it to the sound of their roar emote.
I hate it and won’t use it. They run really Janky and it’s just not smooth enough. They are literally bounding all the time. They need to be able to run smoother.
That was such a sick addition
Should be able to be used indoors
Looks badass in dk gear with skull themes. Cause you look like a Cerberus undead thing
Taurens we're supposed to have plains running
Real fun fact as this was actually going to be how the Tauren race worked. They were going to have the plains running ability which would cause them to start running faster out of combat. This idea was scraped and later used for the worsen. Some private servers have restored this ability such as turtle wow.
Incorrect: draxthyr have a flying mount replacement
Technically, druids already could do that when they got their cat forms. And long before Cata.
I’m still surprised Druid travel form never got updated to go faster
“While rarely used” meanwhile on moonguard.
Druids Cat form has a natural 30 or 40% buff, while the Shaman's Ghost Wolf form is a 30% Buff. I think they meant Ground only mounts
Evokers can fly like a normal mount now
I knew this, did you know they once thought about giving this Tauren in the alpha
Youre right. Druids and shamans dont have to ability to mount travel without mounts either… so unique.
Only reason I have an alliance character
How do you mention this without mentioning planesstriding being the precursor to kodos. You ain't vanilla.
Yes yes yes!!!
I only use this when I cannot fly on my Worgen
It was also based on the originally concept for the Tauren's plainstrider during early developement
Fun fact.thats not true. Dracthyr also have a unique dragon riding skill. So this only for ground mounts
Used this to make millions of gold in shadowlands farming elethium since it worked in the maw while no other mount in the game could
Just going to ignore Plainswalking for the Tauren then I see lol
Why wouldn’t we know about that
So dractyrs didnt substituted flying mounts or this is just for ground mounts?
The only thing i dont know is what u said in the beginning
Didn't Taurens do that at one point?
no it's not…
Fuct 132.5: Originally, Taurens were supposed to use something similar.
It was originally based on the idea of the Taurens Plainsrunning mount thing which was scrapped in Beta I think. They were going to speed up as they ran until they reached the 60% or 100%. However it was scrapped because the design was for them to have to be running in a striaght line and they realized that that wasnt going to work and have them the kodos. Also I think that you could say that Druid "Mount Form" counts as this as well
I wish they would make it more terrifying
It makes them look like frogs 🐸 not wolves lol
Really reaching now lol, who are you tailoring this to?
The dracthyr have soar which is very similar but better in every way.
Not true. Monks have a mount replacement in zen flight.