Here’s one world of Warcraft fact you didn’t know!Day 140 #warcraft #worldofwarcraft December 12, 2024 by WarcraftFacts Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ source
They also mentioned they'd be PvP at some point, but never came to be. Same with expedition Islands. Reply
STILL CANT QUEUE EM SOLO IN HEROIC Most disappointing part. There's some AMAZING cosmetics just hiding Reply
One of the best things. They always introduce so great thing and them stopping it :/ its so sad. And you cant do it solo now. Reply
The absolutely most disappointing feature of all time it was also likely the most false advertising I've ever seen on a future Reply
With my absence at the end of MoP, I seriously thought that WoW was gonna take a HUGE turn when WoD and This Battle for Azeroth came out. Super glad it did not. Cause I prolly would’ve logged in, and left again for another 10+ years 🤣 Reply
I wish they had made more warfronts. It becames tedious to do the same 2 over and over. Plus darkshore was incredibly boring Reply
Yeah it was super scripted. You really didn’t do anything except follow the same script over and over again Reply
They also mentioned they'd be PvP at some point, but never came to be. Same with expedition Islands.
It’d love them to be reworked and reintroduced
They should have been a 20v20 bg with the AI elements included
If they were pvp with programs in place to prevent zerging they would’ve been a hit
Most disappointing part. There's some AMAZING cosmetics just hiding
One of the best things. They always introduce so great thing and them stopping it :/ its so sad. And you cant do it solo now.
The absolutely most disappointing feature of all time it was also likely the most false advertising I've ever seen on a future
Wasn't it also proven they were almost impossible to lose?
"most disappointing additions."
I bought bfa for this feature abd it ended being not a pvp mode at all
With my absence at the end of MoP, I seriously thought that WoW was gonna take a HUGE turn when WoD and This Battle for Azeroth came out. Super glad it did not. Cause I prolly would’ve logged in, and left again for another 10+ years 🤣
Part of the problem with battlefronts was how bad the lag was when you did PvP
I absolutely loved Warfronts just the way they were, and wish we'd have gotten more.
The only reason to do that ,is to farm that god damn moonsaber
These aren't really Warcraft facts we "didn't know" 😂
Yeah, I was excited about them at first, but of course they s*cked.
Battle for azeroth: one of wows most disappointing additions
It was nice
I wish they had made more warfronts. It becames tedious to do the same 2 over and over. Plus darkshore was incredibly boring
Yeah it was super scripted. You really didn’t do anything except follow the same script over and over again