The first time I visited iron forge as a night elf hunter Kazzak was at the front gate, I thought I found a raid and knew that was for high levels so I didn’t go back to iron forge for weeks lol
Indeed that was pretty amazing even if at this moment as a new player it was more frustrating than cool.
I remember playing my human pal and doing a quest chain in SW. At some point I had to go back in the city and then I stumbeled on kazzak being kitted by a bunch of horde player straight from the blasted lands and rampaging goldshire and then SW.
It was awesome……
Bring this back
I remember bosses fucking up Orgrimmar 😂 miss those days😢
I remember those days. Good times
Keep on going bro. I love your Shorts
Leading to awesome grudges between alliance and horde :p
I just watch these for the dancing bear
Man I remember when they kited Kazzak to Stormwind. Just came back from a dungeon to repair when all of the sudden i saw death everywhere
The good ol' days
And it was glorious.
Old days ❤
Yea Kazak was fun to take to Stormwind.
I wish this was still a thing. Leash mechanics suck and feel so janky. If you can kite something to stormwind… Do it
Back when Fearie fire was a thing I would kite Kzack (dragon) into SW
Sauce on Khadgar US did this a lot to the alliance side.
The first time I visited iron forge as a night elf hunter Kazzak was at the front gate, I thought I found a raid and knew that was for high levels so I didn’t go back to iron forge for weeks lol
And this was great times!
As a child this shit cost me much silver in repairs
Yeah, that was fun.
Asmongold and Mcconnell with the gang did something similar with a dragon a few years ago 😊
"You didn't know" i was there
That’s when things were fun.
Omg that was so fun
Indeed that was pretty amazing even if at this moment as a new player it was more frustrating than cool.
I remember playing my human pal and doing a quest chain in SW. At some point I had to go back in the city and then I stumbeled on kazzak being kitted by a bunch of horde player straight from the blasted lands and rampaging goldshire and then SW.
Markus Jonathan stood no chance facing him 🤣
We used to do that with Emeriss back in the day, good times.
Yep i took kazzak to stormwind one day. Good times that was lol
I miss those days so much
Remember seeing a trail of body going to orgrimmar and see mass graves there x)