Here’s one world of Warcraft fact you didn’t know!Day 26 #warcraft #worldofwarcraft

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29 thoughts on “Here’s one world of Warcraft fact you didn’t know!Day 26 #warcraft #worldofwarcraft”

  1. The first time I visited iron forge as a night elf hunter Kazzak was at the front gate, I thought I found a raid and knew that was for high levels so I didn’t go back to iron forge for weeks lol

  2. Indeed that was pretty amazing even if at this moment as a new player it was more frustrating than cool.

    I remember playing my human pal and doing a quest chain in SW. At some point I had to go back in the city and then I stumbeled on kazzak being kitted by a bunch of horde player straight from the blasted lands and rampaging goldshire and then SW.

    Markus Jonathan stood no chance facing him 🤣


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