Here’s one world of Warcraft fact you didn’t know!Day 42 #warcraft #worldofwarcraft

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11 thoughts on “Here’s one world of Warcraft fact you didn’t know!Day 42 #warcraft #worldofwarcraft”

  1. This was actually announced in Wrath of the Lich King and quickly swept under the rug. Then advertised again for Cataclysm, and literally went all the way to the launch and then suddenly was absolute last minute scrapped.

    Anytime I hear about a feature, I don't believe it until it hits the live game.

  2. Tbh this system would have sucked. These types of abilities and buffs that could be applied to any class would have to be so un impactful in order for it to be balanced. And we already tried these classless player power systems. (Azerite gear, covenants to some extent), it sucked. Balance was and is important to the type of mmo cata and retail are.

    For example that 10% damage ability would have been wildly unbalanced alone given how it would interact with classes with their own % damage increases. (Think snapshotters and multiplying stacking damage increases.)

    I think that something more akin to expanded glyphs and talents would have done cata more of a service.

  3. they should put the AI into balancing everything ! if really that's impossible but I really can't understand the difference with LoL for ex. If the game stops being balanced it means too ambitious for what can be produced, then put more people on it or cut some content but inbalance is annoying…You love one class, turns out it's shiet so from the start you play what you wouldn't have etc

  4. These systems are creative and all, but I'd like to see more meaningful choices that last longer. It's so jarring learning these weird ass systems and then throwing all of it away come next expac. Not to mention all the junk in my bags that lasts until halfway thru the next expac because "I swear I'll go back to zereth mortis to spend this stuff"…


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