Only problem with dungeons like these, as cool as they are, is that they go against the loot system blizzard has created which requires you to do multiple runs of a dungeon to get what you need potentially in the 10s and 20s with items like sgc and ironfoe which is my guess to why we dont see a lot of them to this scale anymore
Its pretty simple reason retail players want everything given to them immediately and fast if blizz released a BRD scaled dungeon theyd have an aneurysm
First time i went to brd was literally the most close experience to a D&D dung i could ever have. Some roleplay bosses, a tabern, an arena, opening the boxes to spawn a boss. Bro that dung is the best ever made
Blizzard won't make content like this anymore because people bitched and cried so much about time and that's how we ended up with the retail dog s*** we have now.
Back in the days when lfg was world Chat and my first character, a heal priest got hundreds of whispers a day from desperate groups. I was constantly busy healing, barely questing and there was no big drama when I was far behind in level or experience
It was originally suppose to be our IF/SW for alliance or maybe even cross faction but you’d have to research a little better as idr exactly what it was suppose to be. But I do remember that it was to large for a city so they made it into a dungeon
I can answer the question: Vanilla dungeons were made with one little thing in mind: Blizzard assumed that people would go the dungeons just one time. They made the dungeons gigantic for that reason alone.
However after Blizzard figured out during Vanilla that players enjoyed going dungeons multiple times due to the loot the dungeons gave Blizzard shifted the focus away from the large dungeons and went to make them smaller and less time-consuming. And that based on metrics which dungeons were run the most in context of playerbase and so forth.
For average dungeons they took the deadmines as reference for size and thinned the average bosscount per boss to 4. That was the birth of our shorter dungeons that you could spam.
This also was the reason why many Vanilla dungeons were revamped later on, either reworked into smaller sections (scarlet monastery, dire maul), large chunks removed (wailing caverns), players only get a limited amount to do before they are finished (blackrock depths, maraudon) or they have made some of the many bosses purely optional (blackfathom deeps).
Well I'm kinda glad they don't do dungeons like that one anymore. After doing SoD coin runs for week including BRD and then playing on Cata classic people just don't want to learn anything. God forbid you show them the whole thing, hold their hand throughout they whole experience, like actually try and show them something new and cool for them. Nah they either leave two secs in or call you a retard and then leave
They talked about why they've never done another "Blackrock Depths" dungeon. They said it was over ambitious and was a headache in the technical side of things during its time. It was so large they often got into in-house arguments about splitting it into two separate instances but that never panned out, instead they added much of the upper city and "separated" it using the Shadowforge Key and associated questline. They found it quite funny the intent was to split this dungeon but the player base instead did so with Blackrock Spire – differentiating Lower and Upper into LBRS and UBRS despite being all the same instance as well. Personally I hate Depths despite everyone else's fondness of it. Still to this day hard to navigate, way too long, and the rewards aren't that great. I don't want to live down there for the *chance at Ironfoe or a Hand of Justice.
The Grim Guzzler and the Black Anvil that reside in this monster however, endless good times I'll never forget. From my first jump off at the Anvil and subsequent lava swim back in 2005 to returning there to help our guild craft one of the first ever Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros – to the events that still throw down in the Guzzler, BRD remains one of the most memorable. Not good, but memorable.
It was good for the time, but now players are in such a hurry that tanks don't even wait for everyone to zone in before they are sprinting towards the first boss. This has become so common that it is now expected of tanks and any tank that doesn't run like this can find themselves quickly kicked. I'm not sure a dungeon like this would work in today's landscape.
The best dungeon ever made but i know why they dont do it like that anymore, it was a raid worth of time for a dungeon lvl of loot 😅 that shit took hours if ppl were not 60 or had shitty gear ( i remember farming Fineous for those damn pants forever 😢)
Short dungeons ruined WoW for me.. these dungeons where the hideouts.. bases.. hidden camps of some great story.. for five people to just screech and sprint through it in 10 mins
One of the Greatest if not the Greatest ever made…
I don't really care for dungeons that are broken up into multiple parts
Don't forget the raid entrance to molten core and attunement to onyxia!
Cause time is valuable. If you take off the memberberry glasses, you realize how bad it was / is
Such an amazing dungeon! Can’t wait to run it again in SoD once I’m high enough.
I remember doing it with a tank warrior and a priest i was a hunter
God two of our mates left cuz we were lost for 10 minutes 😂😂😂😂
Only problem with dungeons like these, as cool as they are, is that they go against the loot system blizzard has created which requires you to do multiple runs of a dungeon to get what you need potentially in the 10s and 20s with items like sgc and ironfoe which is my guess to why we dont see a lot of them to this scale anymore
Imagine this dungeon with 5 mechanics each boss, please, don’t
Tbh Black Rock Depth kinda sucks 😅
Blizz should really go back to raid instances in a dungeon like this atleast once blizz plz
Its pretty simple reason retail players want everything given to them immediately and fast if blizz released a BRD scaled dungeon theyd have an aneurysm
Because it could take over 2 hours if the group didn't know what it was doing.
First time i went to brd was literally the most close experience to a D&D dung i could ever have. Some roleplay bosses, a tabern, an arena, opening the boxes to spawn a boss. Bro that dung is the best ever made
They dont do that anymore cuz time is money
Blizzard won't make content like this anymore because people bitched and cried so much about time and that's how we ended up with the retail dog s*** we have now.
Back in the days when lfg was world Chat and my first character, a heal priest got hundreds of whispers a day from desperate groups. I was constantly busy healing, barely questing and there was no big drama when I was far behind in level or experience
It was originally suppose to be our IF/SW for alliance or maybe even cross faction but you’d have to research a little better as idr exactly what it was suppose to be. But I do remember that it was to large for a city so they made it into a dungeon
Aww man loved doing these I believe I had it easy with match making , random team would pull it off yet great times thx for this blast from the past
I can answer the question:
Vanilla dungeons were made with one little thing in mind: Blizzard assumed that people would go the dungeons just one time. They made the dungeons gigantic for that reason alone.
However after Blizzard figured out during Vanilla that players enjoyed going dungeons multiple times due to the loot the dungeons gave Blizzard shifted the focus away from the large dungeons and went to make them smaller and less time-consuming. And that based on metrics which dungeons were run the most in context of playerbase and so forth.
For average dungeons they took the deadmines as reference for size and thinned the average bosscount per boss to 4. That was the birth of our shorter dungeons that you could spam.
This also was the reason why many Vanilla dungeons were revamped later on, either reworked into smaller sections (scarlet monastery, dire maul), large chunks removed (wailing caverns), players only get a limited amount to do before they are finished (blackrock depths, maraudon) or they have made some of the many bosses purely optional (blackfathom deeps).
Requires effort they are allergic to that
Because nobody wants to spend 4 hours in a 5 man dungeon :/
Never cleared it whole, always skipped arena part.
It was the size of a raid. Bigger than most raids. Took Hours… Your raiding a whole damn capital city. Probably the largest capital city
Brd greatest ever dungeon. Been running it so many times in sod.
Well I'm kinda glad they don't do dungeons like that one anymore.
After doing SoD coin runs for week including BRD and then playing on Cata classic people just don't want to learn anything. God forbid you show them the whole thing, hold their hand throughout they whole experience, like actually try and show them something new and cool for them. Nah they either leave two secs in or call you a retard and then leave
Tiktok gen gamer wil lever have energy to do full run in one go like we did back in day with all CC.
They talked about why they've never done another "Blackrock Depths" dungeon. They said it was over ambitious and was a headache in the technical side of things during its time. It was so large they often got into in-house arguments about splitting it into two separate instances but that never panned out, instead they added much of the upper city and "separated" it using the Shadowforge Key and associated questline. They found it quite funny the intent was to split this dungeon but the player base instead did so with Blackrock Spire – differentiating Lower and Upper into LBRS and UBRS despite being all the same instance as well. Personally I hate Depths despite everyone else's fondness of it. Still to this day hard to navigate, way too long, and the rewards aren't that great. I don't want to live down there for the *chance at Ironfoe or a Hand of Justice.
The Grim Guzzler and the Black Anvil that reside in this monster however, endless good times I'll never forget. From my first jump off at the Anvil and subsequent lava swim back in 2005 to returning there to help our guild craft one of the first ever Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros – to the events that still throw down in the Guzzler, BRD remains one of the most memorable. Not good, but memorable.
It was good for the time, but now players are in such a hurry that tanks don't even wait for everyone to zone in before they are sprinting towards the first boss. This has become so common that it is now expected of tanks and any tank that doesn't run like this can find themselves quickly kicked. I'm not sure a dungeon like this would work in today's landscape.
Still mad that my dire brew remote no longer takes me to the grim guzzler
I knew this!!!!! Many many of lives lived in this place!!!
Because it took 5 hours to complete
Because Gen Z zoomers think a 3 boss dungeons that takes 20 mins is to long..
Emmm mechagon? Karazhan 2.0?
It's simple….more people wanted easy dopamine than challenging and engaging gameplay.
The best dungeon ever made but i know why they dont do it like that anymore, it was a raid worth of time for a dungeon lvl of loot 😅 that shit took hours if ppl were not 60 or had shitty gear ( i remember farming Fineous for those damn pants forever 😢)
I’d imagine they didn’t because people started demanding faster experiences…then complained they had nothing to do with
It's because people don't have hours to run a five man
I love your videos, man. Please try to make one daily.
BRD is so much fun
Short dungeons ruined WoW for me.. these dungeons where the hideouts.. bases.. hidden camps of some great story.. for five people to just screech and sprint through it in 10 mins