Here’s to you, random buff-giver! December 14, 2023 by World of Warcraft Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ source
Allow us to buff while mounted and this will keep going
The ending was good. I'll give you that
Maybe he was leveling weapon skill
Gaining weapon skills faster is nice!
Me smart warrior now
😢 my old times, played this game 15 years ago
Buffs are rather cheap so EVERYONE GETS ONE!!!
My druid thanks you.
Need the real men of genius song playing over this.
This is so cute. Absolutely
Looper was so overwhelmed with emotions upon getting arcane brilliance
What buff is this im confused 😕 is it random
Alliance Horde War
This guy is the actual hero of Azeroth….
When you heal someone within an inch of dying & they dont even say ty 😢
The true heroes of Azeroth 💯