Hidden SECRETS OUTSIDE Maw Of Souls? | World Of Warcraft

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10 thoughts on “Hidden SECRETS OUTSIDE Maw Of Souls? | World Of Warcraft”

  1. It was me that said that the gear allowed you to breathe underwater. Really weird because when my friend did it they could breathe. Going to have to see if I can find anything that is affecting their water-breathing. Maybe looking at their gear in WoW Armory might help me know.

    EDIT: Looked at their gear and didn't have any water-breathing enchants. 🤨

  2. Looking behind the stage. We are behind the scenes! I appreciate it. It really makes me feel like I get to know the game and Lore better. When you went up the Chain in the Maw there are some screen shots I wish were in my Wallpaper rotation the images were just so beautiful.

    If you want an Item that will help you breathe underwater, there is the Kaluak fishing pole from Northrend. My favorite fishing pole.

    Anyway, thank you so much for showing off these places I just have no patience to try to go. When I was 24 years younger, I made it to the Ironforge plane runway. I don't have that patience any more. lol.


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