History of Tauren Racials in World of Warcraft

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In this video we go over the racials on the big cow people

Video managed by Felplague
Video edited by The Flying Buttress

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21 thoughts on “History of Tauren Racials in World of Warcraft”

  1. I distinctly remember getting herb sniped by a tauren druid literally named "Herblol" all the time back in Cata. Going up and down the river in Uldum and this bird drops down while I'm gathering and picks the plant before my cast goes off! Hated that guy! XP

  2. I don't know nothing about hitbox sizes but I do know that when we started doing MC early on in vanilla only the female Taurens in our raid were unable to walk through the window to port into MC. Super, super rude. I think they fixed it relatively quickly but until then we had to be summoned into the raid.

  3. i may be mistaken, but in retail vanilla, didnt the tauren racial work on on all stam, giving them the percentage more hp from all stam sources, then changed either in tbc or later to only be more hp based on BASE stamina, also in retail vanilla all races had slightly different stats at 60 when naked, and tauren had the most stam.

  4. Hey Hiru, you might remember me asking about more spooky WoW stories on your Halloween stream.
    I came across Lostlight Grotto in Val'sharah today, you might want to check it out when you're looking for more creepy stuff in WoW, if you haven't mentioned it anywhere.

    The local Moonkin went feral since the Light of Elune doesn't shine in there. They end up turning against the Dryads and transforming them into mindless piles of bone goo. There's even a dryad quest giver who it half-turned into a slime. Creeps me the hell out.

  5. Fun fact they new Tauren race is a moose and got a bull charge they should give those racials too all forms and let to the player choice if they have same CD time u can change for stun to charge in any situation

  6. I love Tauren. Just wish Tauren had the tail/foremane options that Highmountain tauren have. I like the messier tail fluff ball, with a braided end on the tail itself with the blue ceremonial bead. HM Tauren racials are meh compared to Tauren, bull rush is cool, but charge for 1 second and anyone hit knocked down for 1.5. Issue with that is, if you use on someone in melee range, by time your animation is done, they only have .5 seconds of knock down left. Id honestly choose HM Tauren of they got a horn option thats tiny like some of the female options. I just dont like how the horns break throuhu some helms as HM male using the 2 smallest horn options.

  7. If the game ever comes to end I will log in to take one last look around Thunder Bluff. It feels like home for me in that game since I started playing at 14. I’m 30 now. Tauren are the best race by a million miles.


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