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The Warrior was like yeah I dont want none.
Lmfao you just dropped out of the sky and shit all over then R.I.P Rouge
The rogue's name.. Cocofelon 😂 if I needed more signs that the WoW population that probably started playing in 2005 as teenagers, are now all dads and still playing WoW. Much like myself, though I don't have time to play so I just watch other people playing on YouTube lol.
Do you stream?
SOD? Oh no no no no hahahaaaa blud isnt even playing a version that takes any talent. Blud is a rune queen 😂😂😂
Nerf fckyn palas and boomies right now!!!!
LOL cleared😂
Typical stinker rogue gets blinkered
That wasnt very nice at all….get that rogue outta here….proceeds to delete rogue. These are the pvp days i miss lmao
They wearing pve items that’s why so much critical damage you can deal for them
That rogue exploded lol
Man I can’t keep watching videos like this, it makes me want to play wow again and I can’t just keep coming back 😂. I quit in February after a coming off a 2 year break and now I’m itching again
What's your build ? How do you onetap people like that it seem you have windfury procs. Also how can you use both seal of martyrdom and divine storm ?
The said fuck this lol
Most based alliance player
Pally is waaaaaaaay too op
Oh is this during the time ret was broken af
Nothing wrong with paladins….
Warrior has no honor. Dying in this gane has basically no real consequences. Anyone who's attacking my team can get it
Warrior is like i don't want the smoke
Warrior literally spinning around asking wtf just happen
Bro keep it up ur kicking fuckin asss
Warrior was like "uhhhh im ready to go ummmm uhhhh what happened? Ohhhh noooo, wait hello i friendly" went from ready to fight stance to normal stance real fast
I guess paladins are broken
Lol wtf is this season of discovrry😂
With a heal on ur ass is ez
Bro thinks he's good and deleting comments
noob warrior, if you not attacking as warrior then go play league of legends or something, haha…😂
rogue got 2 shot lmao
Ok.. you make me wanna play pala now.. dang HAHAHA
Warrior was whistling like he ain’t see shit
This is why vanilla will always be best, ret pallys where they belong
If you have gear you win! Nothing Special…
This looks stupid
Hate that horse got shaman instead of palli
Out of 100 Horde's kills MAYBE few are honorable kills. The rest of it are unfair fights, well calculated etc.
Well done Uther's son, well done!
Warrior was baffled what just happen 😅
Yo, just so you know, your shorts are the best. PLZ keep making them!!! I don’t even play SOD and I love em
"that wasn't nice at all" HOLY STORM DETH
And people defend paladin as a class lol he just swats em like flies
Lol classic wow PvP is all gear based, 70% of the battle is gear
That Warrior was literally looking around thinking WTF LMMFAO 🤣😂😅
Im new to wow what class are you playing here? Looks fun and strong
After seeing lots of these video's I cant help wandeling Why it is you destroy everyone….seems…well….dubious
Bro ur an absolutely fuckin insane ret pally. I've never seen someone just one shooting any class they fight