Hold my beer.. -Ret PvP LvL 60 -SoD #worldofwarcraft

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Server: Crusader Strike Na


47 thoughts on “Hold my beer.. -Ret PvP LvL 60 -SoD #worldofwarcraft”

  1. The rogue's name.. Cocofelon 😂 if I needed more signs that the WoW population that probably started playing in 2005 as teenagers, are now all dads and still playing WoW. Much like myself, though I don't have time to play so I just watch other people playing on YouTube lol.

  2. Man I can’t keep watching videos like this, it makes me want to play wow again and I can’t just keep coming back 😂. I quit in February after a coming off a 2 year break and now I’m itching again


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