Holly Longdale: How World of Warcraft Is Now Different

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I spoke to Holly Longdale, Executive Producer of Warcraft, on how the team has evolved, what they think has went right / wrong, and how development is changing into the future.
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30 thoughts on “Holly Longdale: How World of Warcraft Is Now Different”

  1. I'm cautiously optimistic about the future of wow. I like that they realize they need to trim down the "chores" we've had since BFA or further back, and focus on a handful of actually fun and rewarding activities. I also appreciate that they're trying to pull in new players and allow them to learn the lore without watching hours and hours of Nobbel videos (love his content, don't get it twisted lol) I do hope they slow down combat a little, I'm annoyed at playing my PVE character like I'm in PVP, it's not an ARPG, it's an MMO. I really hope they actually learn from the past few expansions and focus on what the core playerbase want and not the vocal minority crying on forums about every little tweak or change.

  2. She definitely comes off as a great leader. The thing I noticed is she kept mentioning how she gets input from her directors. She mentions she's the final arbiter but it's almost in passing which implies most of the time she is giving the go ahead versus wielding that authority on a consistent basis.

    In organizational terms, she probably wields a lot of deferant power, meaning her leadership and management style encourages people. This is, along with rerferant power, is not something one can bestow upon themselves or from someone higher up in the hierarchy like the "legitimate power" that comes from the position she holds. Both can only come from who you are and how you behave.

    One thing I do note too is that her position was the one J. Allen Brack had prior to his elevation after Mike Morhaime left. And we've seen her a lot more than we did him.

  3. It's so obvious her role is necessary to connect the many fragments of wow into a centralized plan. Wild to believe they made it work for so long without someone in her role.

  4. Nice to see someone besides Metzen excited about WoW. She seems so quirky and fun. I also like that’s she fostered a team effort and seems to get what it takes to make something successful. The team doesn’t feel so spread thin. Hopefully this will decrease cut content.

  5. I am so happy they are looking far into the future. I hope to retire in 7 years and I really want WoW to be a thing still. Been playing since Vanilla and is my only game I play. I am also happy they are looking to do more for mid level players as I dont do mythics (unless daughter drags me into one) because I have slow reflexes and just not good in the high level stuff. I can quest and fly around forever and be happy.

  6. Hoping for audible questions in the future. Not only does it make seem more 'real', but also I often work away from my PC with wireless headphones and I have to go back and see what the comments are on.

    Other than that, great to see Holly's passion!

  7. Great interview! She’s got great things to say, I could listen to her for hours! I gotta say, as a player of wow on a Mac, I feel the love being able to run it on my M1! I appreciate the hard work from the wow team.

  8. She reminds me a bit of Yoshi P with how she comes across and is very genuinely apologetic with no PR scripted crap.

    She seems to have inspired many good ideas and the changes that broke the usual wow mould, and as much as Plunder storm didn't appeal to me, it's was very popular with a lot and received very positively which is a positive.

    Remember, it's not just about us as individuals, but as a whole, and since we all have our own favourite parts of wow we like, we're not going to like everything, and nor should we.

    It would be way too much to try to do!!

    It needed a womans touch, albeit the right woman, and it seems she has fitted in very well within her role and has the respect of those working under her.

    Happy people ….. productive environment …… better creativity ….. better game …..

    And that's what we see is happening here.

    It was a good choice for Microsoft to appoint her in this role and hope the game thrives under her leadership.


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