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Holy Paladin Beginner’s Guide –
#WoWGuides #WoWArenaGuides #ShadowlandsGuides
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Great video man. Not very many in-depth guides for (PvP) Holy Paladins and I really enjoyed this one!
Wich legendary do you use?
Thanks for the video
can you link the beginners guide? I cant find it
Great guide but try to put more gain in the mic I had to put everyting on 100
Good video, the thing missing for me is scenarios. When to stay far away or when to go in against comps etc. basically the correct mindset
i kinda did a big oops and got my scheduling wrong and put out the advanced guide before the beginner's guide (proffessional btw) anyways you can find the beginner's guide here 😛
Great indepth video. Starting to play Hpala in arena's soon so a good insight and tips is nice to have
Definitely was good, As someone who was new to holy pally and experienced to healing this was exactly what I needed to hear! Lmao died laughing when you didnt get wings after 6 attempts.
Excellent guide. Bestow Faith Eyes Closed Timer was impeccable.
Don’t blessing of freedom around Mages u lost ur mind?
i dont know i heard that sooo many times to not use flash light.. and yea ill know it costs waaaay too much. thats because its the last and only heal to safe someone from death yo. the only thing u can use without any CDs. thats why its cost that much. ever thought about it? it saves me far way more then anything else who got CDs.
But still. good Vid/Guide.
Didnt know you played wow, used to watch some of your league starter guides haha
Bro this was so good. There are basic class videos all over fucking YouTube, but this advanced stuff is what it’s all about. Keep it up, man.
Why dont I get holy power when i cast flash of light?
Can you post your divine shield and flask macro?
Good information. You missed the fact that high rated paladins are playing with the protection legendary wrist/hands for the 4 sec 50% damage reduction effect. Thank you.
Great guide .. thanx very much dude!
You don't want hard cast against rouge mage for 15% damage reduction. They will counter spell then your hard locked can't bubble or heal. Aka dead
Ty friend well done
Good vid, learned a lot. Surprised you removed devo aura because the aura mastery for devo reduces everyone's damage taken by 15%
Comment for algorhythm
Wolf: ‘you gotta realize that a lot of people are actually just dumb as fuck’
Dude this guide and beginners guide was so refreshing for my dead brain!! Thank you keep them coming!
Not sure if you have a keybinds video, but it’s something I really struggle with
Dude, great video. Thanks a lot. I made the entire 46 minutes.
Great guide! Subbed.
Huge fan
Quality content, will look for more here.
very good video,tnx for the content
well done sir
Thank you for the video. I wanted yo go necro for so long but i was young and naive and went venthyr. Has good dmg but wtvr. My problem in arena as a holy pala is setting up for my lock. We currently hold cc until he asks for it. But depending on oponents positioning and skill its not always possible to get good positioning and cc the enemy healer. I have run countless times in to get a cc, and end up wasting time, not healing etc. Then again its a case by case scenario. I watch my oponent holy palas do it to me, run in, stun rep again and again and i cant do it myself. My partner is amazing and i am trying to rise up to his level, reached 1770 and keep losing. To warrior groups especially and rogue mages. To conclude a video showcasing various set up scenarios as an hpala would be so valuable
I got my first 2k in 3s ever by running at a healer with horse and didn't have hoj but still made him move and let his dps die. My team still talks about it lol. (we got 2k with me just cackling to my self "I didn't have it!")
Also I've been experimenting with a wall macro and SotR (not on gcd) against melee cleaves since the SotR gives you essentially another 18% reduction on the 15% from DP.
Good content dude, learning a lot from you!
Really good video, made me understand a lot more!
Nice one
Best guide 👍🏼