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All opinions from someone who leveled every class to level 60 in the Shadowlands. I hope you enjoy!
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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvP Shadowlands Guide:
Assassination Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Sub Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
0:00 Intro
0:57 Questing
3:12 Renown
6:04 Covenants
8:54 PvP
11:18 Mythic Plus
12:49 Raiding
14:55 Torghast/Legendaries
16:32 Extra
I'm leveling more characters to 60 (have 6 currently) and it would be FAR more alt friendly if Korthia gave account bound gear. Say 'Shoulders' and whatever toon you send it to can use it. Just my humble opinion.
Remove RNG From Korthian Armaments, Make "Box of Many Things" ACCOUNT WIDE so alts have an easier time climbing those floors, Increase Research gains by 20% for Alts, can be gotten on your main from the vendor and it be a one time use for a Tier 6.
Damn!! Content creators shouldn’t even be talking about this, in the so called alt friendly expansion. This is exactly why I didn’t come back in 9.1!!!
Yea too many levels to the honor gear.. and it’s locked behind renown levels … feels bad man
A lot of good ideas, for sure. If they want to keep engagement up, making it easier for alts is one way to do it. Thumbs up.
Nnnnaaaaaaahhhhhhh… just bring back gearing like in MOP and WOD PVP and PVE style and we are all FUCKING HAPPY!!! I could even go back to this game.
Let me save my spot in solo Torghast runs and queue for other content
A couple of things:
1. VP upgrade unlocks are accbound, so if u got KSm or any of the other meta-achievs you can upgrade your alts gear to that threshold.
2. Mist aint always the easiest keys, especially in tyrannical weeks. Would say go HoA most weeks.
What frustrates me is how stingy the raid is. I really believe at minimum bosses should be dropping at least 2 more pieces of gear. Last few weeks I have been getting roughly 1 drop from a boss per week from 9/10 heroic bosses. That one drop.. is something I already have and I just roll it off. So then it's spending the time doing the raid and getting nothing. I have been stuck at 240 for 2 weeks on my main, bad vaults with all 3 heroic raid boxes and 3 m15 boxes, no raid drops, capped on valor = not happy 🙁 I just started playing an alt.
I also would like to see the Valor system reworked. The cap is so small and the way it's designed you don't want to use it when leveling an alt cause it will just go to waste. Gotta get the alt up to level and pushing high keys to not waste. I think you should get valor back from pieces you used valor on but decide to replace, or even uncap it while lowering amounts dropped. OR if there was another option with a lower ilvl cap to use when gearing up and save valor for more high-end. Similar to honor and conquest. It's not like you can use valor to get to 252, you're capped at 246. I don't know, just my thoughts. I just don't like the current system, just my opinion.
Need an easier way to farm memories. Specifically the ones from nathria.
another thing increase malleable flesh drop or remove grateful offering, honestly grateful offering grinding is tedious
Can plase make honor points account wide. Whats the difference of having different spec then alt. And how can get honor points from bgs where i have to fight with players that have twice hp. Like i have 20k hp and mine oponent 50k hp
Great ideas!
The patch hasn't even come out and people like you are already finding faults, and making demands. This is why I say I hate the WoW player base!
The amount of copium thats 1.9.5 will magically fix the game is palpable.
Going to put this in before finishing the video. <- Probably how netflix and chill started. But not the point. Depending on what you play in WoW (PVP or PVE) the solutions are all quite simply and quite small to somewhat bring back the playability of the game. Ill put it into two sections. So people can just look for theirs.
PVP – This is first since this is all I do. So for starters you need to be able to get conduits by just playing pvp. For example BG and Arena wins could aware the same upgrades we see in raids and korthia. Second you need to be able to cap renown each week without having to do weekly quests. I should be able to get this from PVP. Finally pvp gear needs to be flattened. By this I mean you simply give PVP players a set of low ilvl gear (Let's say 200). This gear is 200 everywhere but PVP. In PVP it is 259. This allows us to have free gear to plug and play pvp straight at 60 without ruining PvE. Ilvl 200 is chosen because you can craft ilvl 200 gear so making a free set of that won't affect much of the game's econ or pve. Finally we would need some changes down the road to address bots and griefers in pvp but that can come later once it is fun to play again.
PVE – We would want to see randomness addressed. Things like suggested ilvl for different content (Mythics / That new dungeon), Making the keys for mythic dungeons not random (Just give us a +X key that we can use in any dungeon. And the two final things let mythic be part of the finder system with players opting in to use their keystone if they have one just like tanks and healers currently do with their specs. And the last last thing if the previous fix goes through I hope they make it so players can LFR but opt to slowly increase the difficulty for better rewards. For example we can say I want basic LFR that gives us the rolling bonuses for dying and what not and the lowest reward. Or I can say I want a slightly scaled LFR like LFR +3 Which would not have that rolling bonus but would still have lower hp / dmg / mechanics than the normal version. This would in turn act as a trainer for players who want to learn the fights without letting down their guilds by slowly practicing harder and harder versions of the fights while weeding out the griefers who just surf the graveyard in LFR. Oh one last thing as far as alt friendliness they should consider putting in an exp bonus for each alt you level up. TBH the idea of them not having on and making players trudge through countless grindy hours of dead content just to have to keep grinding at 60 is insanely stupid.
Things I don't care about. Solo Queue wouldn't fix anything currently. It would make the current problems more noticeable. I don't care about korthian gear. Because its much easier and faster to just craft 200 and then run mythics or start pvping. You'll have a slight disadvantage in pvp sometimes but you will quickly gear up. I mean 1 win a day in epic and normal bg nets you 100 conquest. So you can easily get the cap just getting 1 win in each. So I think its much more important to address the larger issues plaguing the game.
i think BLIZZARD need to stop triggering players with "Must Do" repeated content. eg KSM on every alt, Renown 1 everytime u change covenant (1 time per covenant is still fine because the story is different), get to certain renown for pvp upgrade gears for every alt..(this is madness btw). its like the game designer do not play the game at all.. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY… U HAVE GOOD DESIGN FOR EACH CLASS FOR EVERY EXPANSION AND LET THE PLAYERS EXPERIENCE EVERY CLASS AND BE RELEVANT WITH GEARS.. right now i just see u need to stick on 1 guy and spend hours for dailies and WQ and all the other things to be "on the curve" with everyone.. let me explain.. U need to do korthia dailies, rares, shrooms, chest, callings, thorgast, every couple weeks with new campaign.. and u need at least 1-2 hours. and if u want me to repeat that again for let say.. i have 1 more alts.. it took 2-4 hours job before u can actually play the game like having fun with guildies on BG World pvp M+ and other chit chat stuffs.. LET US PLAY OTHER CLASSES THAT U SPEND HUGE TIME TO DESIGN… i want to play at least 5-6 classes per expansion and they have good gear for high keys and pvp and raids… ON live right now if u have 5-6 alts with "able" to join pug raid, m15 at least on pugs it means u have no life my friend.. this is sad design..
let me say it once more.. let players experience your class design.. ur throwing away gold. just my 2 cents