How Can WoW Move On From Shadowlands?

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You know what, let’s just pretend Shadowlands never happened. Not literally, but, as far as lore and story goes. Let’s memory hole the whole thing.
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47 thoughts on “How Can WoW Move On From Shadowlands?”

  1. All this talk about how WoW can fix its self in 2-3 expansions and I just keep thinking does it have 2-3 expansions left? I think we have to face it We will never get something as good as legion most likely nowhere ever close.

  2. I'm assuming the dreadlords are going to be relevant in that the Scarlets are relevant to the situation in Lordaeron and there's no reason to assume that they're not still pawns of some dreadlord.

  3. The brokers were indeed cool and charming. Shadowlands really nurtured the concept of machines with souls. It was kind of an odd direction, but sort of refreshing, and I'm okay with it due to the natural quality/material of the machines/robots. Graphics and environs become increasingly detailed and improves in quality, which I also like. Personally, I totally enjoythe geometrical layout of Zereth Mortis. I'm happy with it becoming a Chromie option. That way I can choose to ignore it or relive it. People tend to like that freedom of choice.

  4. Have to say in terms of gameplay, I’m really really enjoying 9.2 it’s been a long time since I’ve been this engaged in content I really hope that dragon flight can be better, especially from a narrative point of view.

  5. It just feels like none of the lore matters anymore because it could change on a dime and just ignore or retcon anything they want to make it fit. I know retcon has always been a thing in wow it just never felt like it was this bad before.

  6. Shadowland kills a lot just for the worst payoff I have ever seen, "Your are not prepare for what is to come", for that Blizzard kill the end of Legion, I really thing Sargeras would have been the best end boss for that expansion, we deafeat him but we don't kill him, the panteon will do the same thing, Argus was made for Shadowlands, leterally all Battle for Azeroth, the war was an incredible theme but Blizzard wanted to kill the best story lines in Azeroth for us to be "Exited" for the cosmic stuff, the war ended horrible, we went to Nazjatar to se just a very desepoiting map, and N'Zoth was absolutly under used
    Shadowlands is the worst thing that have ever happen to the game

  7. The Cosmos wasn't the issue, it was the shity systems and lack of good content =/

    Community let it be known during BFA if next xpac didn't take player input into consideration and the game was the same ole stuff it wouldn't last….blizzard rolled the dice and assumed everyone was bluffing..

  8. Blizzard didn't just mess up the lore, they utterly perverted WoW's legacy. What they did to Arthas alone is unforgivable, same goes for this idiotic Sylvanas's character development, heck all of Shadowlands lore/story is a stain upon WoW that cannot be washed out. Combine that with the gameplay and class design which is completely devoid of any creativity and talent, it is no wonder that every time i think about Retail WoW, i'm met with a sense of disgust and a combination of anxiety and depression, that i have to play Classic/TBC just to feel good again.
    It is no exaggeration when i say that Blizzard devs would do the game a massive favor by completely denouncing Shadowlands, that it ever existed, it's a damn abomination in every aspect.

  9. I'm still playing WoW but I'm completely done with the story. It used to be all I cared about but in my opinion it's scuffed beyond repair. I just can't bother to care about the story anymore.

  10. My biggest complaint is that Blizzard writing is completely unpredictable and random now…

    They didn’t just rewrite the lore to make Zovaal the single smartest character in the entire expansion … they rewrote the lore to essentially make Zovaal the core villain of the entire Warcraft universe as if they planned him out for years and years even though it’s obvious they pulled this entire expansion out of their butts…

    Even Warlords of Draenor was planned out a little bit…

  11. "they were bros in Pandaria" literally sounds like the "they are roommates" meme, there is obviously much more going on behind the scenes than just "they were bros"

  12. Blizzard should have let Zovaal win, and then Nozdormu or Chromie should have come in and reversed time before reality was unwritten. Take us back to Sylvanus vs Bolvar and let us help Bolvar win. Ta-da, wow lore is saved.

  13. Let's just put both SL and BFA on the shelf… forever. The past two expansions have been the lowest point for WoW and that's including WoD. The lore has been horrible, bad class design, bad loot systems, borrowed power the list is long. Can we go back to the old days, probably not, but let's hope for just a return of Legion style good times. It has its issues but overall one of the better expansions.

  14. Kinda sad people try to speculate and make head canons and then it dont mater one bit to what blizzard go with in there bubble expansion style. To be fair wow been like that for years so people should know beter by now considering how much the puzzelbox have been a key point in head canons for years and amount to nothing.
    This video is in short "If they only!" and "This could work!" and it never do.

  15. So I just noticed it now…but the chains on Zovaals arm/wrist things? How the fuck are they holding him? There's no strap on that piece of metal. What is even holding them on? It looks like his arms would just slip out.

  16. It is actually fun now Lol… If only they cared about players time at the start of the shadowlands… Well and Tor gases…. everything's in much better state

  17. It's never going to feel like Warcraft again for me. Most of what made the world feel so alive to me was wondering about the mysteries of the Titans and the Legion. Once those were answered, I was curious about things like the Shadowlands and all of that. And everything was instantly negated the moment the Jailer was responsible for everything ever. Curtain pulled back, can't unsee, etc. It all feels cheapened. I don't think that excitement will ever return.

  18. Personally speaking, shadowlands kills any remaining interest I had in the lore. That said, my interest was killed when it was announced, I'm just not into the direction they chose, and then they went and made it kinda shit. I kinda feel like that meme: Man lost last bit of hope he didnt know he had …

  19. I left as Nathria came out and came back for 9.2 and really enjoyed Zereth Mortis. The lore of this expansion didn't phase me too much. I actually really enjoyed the scenery.

  20. The thing you said about azerite being channeled throu zereth, i like to believe that Azeroth as per the world soul is not just a titan soul but something much greater thats why Sargeras when we were fighing Argus was enveloping the planet and not destroying it right away like he did countless world cuz he was trying to do something and also as you said that Titans might be hiding something so they want Azeroth to be "shaped" in their way, so i'd love to see Azeroth waking up and telling us the children of Azeroth that everyone is trying to use her for their purpose like titans, the light , the void etc and we will ultimately side with our mother planet.


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