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Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvE BFA Guide:
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Assassination Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
the second they made survival melee hunter was reduced to only having 2 speccs in my mind. If i wanna play melee, i don't pick a bloody hunter.
SV should be a dual weild 1h ranged wep spec.. Like 1h pistols/crossbows.. Make it a trap/explosive spec
the biggest difference in legion with mm was that you could actually make other builds, ok there was some rng but it didnt bother me. In bfa its only the standard build
SV hunter sucks, you are being too nice with that spect xD
can u play with 2 onehand weapons?
Without dance of death in the talent tree somewhere BM is going to feel bad.
Sounds like my hunter which was my main from BC-WoD is not going to be my main for another expansion. I loved ranged Survival and legion melee survival was more interesting than current, and it seems to not be getting better. BM was always a simple spec, and I didn't mind, but it was excruciatingly simple in bfa and if it's true that it pretty much feels the same, I won't enjoy that spec. MM has always been my least favorite, and if there is no real changes…well not playing that either. Sad they ruined Hunters for me
Ffs give me a developer seat at blizz and I can fix survival, I can make it fun and unique as it was intended. Survival should have been that, a survival spect that helps the hunter survive almost any situation. Almost like a tank, heck it should have been the only mail tank.
Let's be honest, all lights AGAIN are in BM. MM and specially SV was let behind. SV was NERFED, jesus, he was a "so so" dps and now have Butchery target cap. I hope I'm completely wrong with the new "all spec" skills add, but it seems SV will not shine again in that expansion.
My concerns for Hunter is in PvP with the 6s petress.
bfa will be my last expac of wow. being a hunter for most of this game has been a true disappointment. And playing a mage has been forced down our throats. So because Blizz feels that they can manipulate players into playing certain classes, I AM DONE
i think SV plays like garbage. they won't fix it. it needs to flow smoother. adding a half baked ranged abilities to make a hybrid is such a mess. they need to put SV back to ranged and make a real melee pet class. then both ranged and melee players could be happy and maybe they would listen to design input about current SV direction. its so clunky.
I miss Range version Surv hunter only played that now im suck on BM q.q my soul hurts
I love bm it was the best for pvp until they took everything away from the bm hunter
6 sec pet rez?…rip.
MM need to get back to its Cata days, SV need to go Range. BM is fine. At least we got Kill shot back, thank god.
Survival is a deeply beloved spec in its current incarnation. I respect your insight into the way the specs feel to play, but your impression of how the community views the Survival spec is distorted.
Legion Survival was a lot of fun
I just wanna be able to spec mostly melee plz
but can you play as an old survival hunter in mm? A dot based hunter that is ranged? "entirely", they stated it as very similar gamestyle…
So is MM going to be good for PvE in shadowlands or is BM still going to be king?
Man he didn't adress the greatest downside of shadowland for hunters. 6 sec interuptable revive pet cast for BM and SV. So be ready to pop your play dead a lot.
Man, how i miss hunter back in MOP. Feels bad to see mm hunter casting aimed shot 🙁
I miss the old hunter. BFA sucks and going forward does not seem any better.
Lone wolf Mm is fun and im loving it and ive been waiting for a no pet hunter option. i hate maintaining buffs and rebuffs so old school sounds horrible to me. Loving the new direction.
As long as content creators keep saying "HuNtEr Is GoOd" without maining it or even playing it more than a month , dont expect any changes , just suck it up that hunters are borring and reroll before shadowlands
I love Hunter having a mid-range melee spec. But I've always hated that it is soo reliant on Mongoose Bite. If they are going to make it so that "Tip of the Spear" and "Flanking Strike" are never going to be able to compete with it, then just make Mongoose Bite a not talented ability. I tried on multiple occasions to play with Tip of the Spear because I hated having to build up 5-6 stacks of Mongoose bite before my hits were useful. If Tip of the Spear could of competed with Mongoose Bite, Survival Hunters wouldn't have been at the bottom of the meter numbers the entire expansion. The problem right now is that every spec in the live game is decent because you can stack as much of a stat as you want with Corruptions. But how are these specs going to play without azerite traits, essences, corruptions, etc…as baseline, Survival and MM are total shit. I just want an expansion where BM is total shit. And the funner specs get the light.
The problem with melee survival still is the same: people who chose hunter wanted to play a ranged class that isn't magic based, so survival automatically becomes nonexistent for them, effectively reducing the class to 2 speccs. You could remove survival and a lot of hunter players wouldn't realize it.
Same old for BM?
Fair enough, means more focusing on the mechanics~
7:10 how is that more active
Lone wolf should be removed. A hunter should never be encouraged to play without a pet; its pretty much the basis of their class. I also still can't believe they legitimately made survival a fucking melee spec.
MM hunters need secondary passive damage types like turrets or bombs.
Survival in MoP……
Beast Mastery Hunter main here and I guess these specs have changed somewhat but I feel relieved that the BM spec feels good or same old as before 😀
Everyone talking like MM sucks in pvp right now lol. If you’re sucking in pvp with any hunter spec it’s you not the class. My 420 Ilvl hunter can easily 1v1 any class in game no problem. Learn your CCs and you won’t be bad.
Was i the only One to play survival during the furst Raid in bfa ? They were op i was Always on top, i cleared uldir HC with a 345 weapon and 9/10 i was Always nr 1 on damage.
Then they got nerfed and i stopped playing Hunter..
I miss the ability to equip both a ranged and melee weapon, if we could have that back I'd be happy with how BM is
I miss sindwinders
I tried hunter just before legion launch, survival, and i freaking loved the spec, i was chocked when it changed in legion