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*Thumbnail Art from Pivotal*
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Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvE BFA Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
Assassination Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
I feel like Venthyr Arms Warrior with the execute talents is gonna be insane, can't wait to try it
can you please test ret paladin dalaran
Solution for ignore pain: as a Fury War, make Ignore Pain still enrage you. That way the choice isn’t defense or damage and enrage, it’s just defense or damage. You could give it a minor cool down (20 or 30s) so it’s usable whenever needed in solo content without being spammable and game breaking in pvp.
waiting for palladin feels
The question is: can we finally wield 2 1handers in fury? Do we finally have a choice with weapons? Can we finally habe a 2 handers fury?
Is Arms solo"ability" still such garbage? I am talking about stuff like daily quests and rare elites or such. In BFA everyone is playing Fury for that, since Arms has such garbage solo capabilities without a healer. While for example as Fury I can kill 10 mill HP rares solo (takes time and good gameplay), as Arms I would not even try a way weaker Rare… Arms just felt bad to play in solo pve. I want to see him also getting reliable selfheal. Heck even rogues with their baseline 30 sec cd Vial and CC have better gameplay here. (Outlaw even better than Fury).
what about prot?
You forgot to mention cleave???? Cleave is reworked
Bring back gladiator stand
No way and i mean NO WAY in hell that they will let arms use raveger and bladestorm together when shdowlands gose live.
That will be too much fun in M+.
Blizz with remove it.. i'm calling it right now
so these are just my thoughts as someone who's played fury as their main since TBC, while I'm happy that the majority of the current kit thats in BFA remains in shadowlands a lot of the smaller factors and gameplay tweaks have killed a fair bit of my hype and have me looking towards playing a different class as it currently stands.
The nerf to Enrage's duration, haste & damage bonus and bloodthirst's healing is a pretty big deal. we essentially lose 1/3rd of our best damage duration windows as well as a large amount of haste in favor of what? 10% movement speed? that feels terrible, It already sucked having Recklessness on the GCD because of its extremely slow animation and now also battle shouts buff is being cut in half for no real reason. there are some abilities that really should be baseline. Either Bladestorm should be baseline like with arms, furious slash should be baseline or make storm bolt baseline for the whole class so that warriors actually have a stun that doesn't either require a talent dedication or being tied exclusively to protection. Ignore pain costs WAY too much rage currently, Shield slam and shield block are totally useless for fury because you can't gear swap during fights in mythic anyway so swapping to a shield so you can off tank just isn't going to be feasible. Hamstring and intervene are nice but the class either needs a baseline stun, If any class is capable of some kind of hard hitting stun it should be a warrior.
the talents being reorganized is nice but some of the new ones are kinda meh. Onslaught is just the old raging blow with a different name, Fervor for battle sounds like the only way fury is going to actually benefit from having slam as an ability. The covenant abilities sound good for the most part, kinda bummed that the Venthyr ability is just Execute with more utility, spear of bastion looks really good but I really don't want to take Kyrian as a covenant, Hopefully the Maldraxxus ability ends up being good. Either way unless there are at least a few more tweeks to abilities both baseline and as talents I'm not looking forward to playing my warrior compared to my dk or demon hunter.
Yo ravager and bladestorm at the same time! Also condemn animation looks amazing.
What melee classes have the highest skill cap in this game? Does a warrior have high skill cap? Im considering coming back but i want to choose a melee class that rewards intelligent game play
that has to be the worst thumbnail ever.
next video: "how does rogue play?" *has an ogre on the thumbnail*
9.1: you can only cast one mortal strike every 24 hours and one colossus per month, 0.000000000000000000000000000000001 of change of reseting them per 100000000 rage spent .
nope at the start of bfa in uldir patch everyone played arms because it was broken, only a few hardcore raiders played fury
Warriors all speces need AVATAR baseline and Recklessness back also off gcd ofcorse and BLOODBATH!!
Ignore pain doesn't use a global lol u very uneducated on videos about classes
Fury warrior needs single-minded skill(using 1 handers instead of 2 handers) i cant play my favorite class-spec because it looks so silly at least give us the option of transmoging 2 handers to 1 hander
Hey guys!! Do you think HASTE levels are going to be as HIGH as in BFA? It`s like playing piano on steroids right now.
10:50 Did you say arms is losing some of its opening burst?
As a tank ill probably pick venthyr because of the damage reduction. Seems insanely strong to have free damage reduction on an execute for 40% of the fight.
Do you think Fury is probably going to be the most viable warrior spec between that and arms for shadowlands? As it stands anyway?
so basically fury is going to be hot garbage
Trying to decide between war and rogue and it ain’t easy so far
So anoyed that Necro skills are shit… Dont wanna be a Wampire pop queen.
ideal race for horde warrior pvp?