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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvP Shadowlands Guide:
Assassination Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Sub Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
0:00 Intro
1:18 Death Knight
2:57 Demon Hunter
4:20 Druid
5:48 Hunter
6:52 Mage
8:08 Paladin
9:12 Priest
11:00 Monk
12:33 Shaman
14:08 Rogue
14:46 Warlock
16:06 Warrior
awesome video as always 😀 o/
im honestly really excited about the frost DK one
3:12 in you said "depending on how you build your death knight" but you were referring to demon hunter. 🙂 good video
Enhanced shaman 100%
I'm actually still struggling to chose a class and I start play wow at the star of the pandemic, I'm hopeless …
I'm subscribed Dal, You aint gotta worry.
Happy to see the enhancement shaman changes looks fun 🙂
The destruction warlock tier set is actually just bad. See the warlock discord people. it's like…. bad.
i wonder how far 2 handed frost dk will push both rated arena and high end raiding next patch it seems like the tier armor is really pushing frost dk overall on single target dps
so warlocks aren't actually in a good place at the moment. the rng of destros set feels terrible and does very little actual damage (the free rain of fire has no actual synergies with talents and does very little damage in single target). the aff set is currently bugged as the set has to decide when it wants to actually extend your dots and it doesn't actually feel like a dps gain in some places do to seed still doing much more damage in aoe, with single target it still relies on agony's 20% chance to generate a shard (a dumb mechanic and low chance in my opinion) and the chance for drain soul to actually give you a free rapture is about 4% per tick. demo is actually bugged at the moment of you have a 50% chance to summon a malicious imp instead of what should be the chance to summon the imp (5% per shard)
I hope people don’t sleep on necro enhance shamans come 9.2. The necro Lego gives you 8% haste per target hit by lightning bolt
I smell good rogue pvp as assassination. Good thing started to level a Vulpera rogue.
Please, do not get me wrong, but this video brings very little to the table. You basically describe how the tier sets (and some double leggos) might impact different classes.
Maybe my expectation was off (usually your videos are amazing), but I was looking for more.
Downvoted, my apologies.
Keep up the great work partner.
Dal likes….1. Outlaw 2. Sub 3. Ass 4. ya whatever the rest.
RIP Warlock
What is Legos or is that your accent my guy
I hope buff retri paladin!
I just started playing. What should I main? Like what’s easy to pick up and do damage with ?
I'm bored of this shitshow game
In 9.2 for PvP, enchantement sham or dk frost or unholy ??
How do you get these teir sets?
K so this is all PVE garbage. Where’s the pvp?