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Overview on how I farm marks of ascension on season 9 Elune server Classless Project Ascension WoW.
Weak aura card opening automation:
Skill Card Locations in Open World:
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Portable outlaw call board and live in high risk
So what do I do to get Scrolls of Fortune when I already hit the limit of buying. I have to wait 8 hours to buy more scrolls.
Why do I do it? I am sitting on a very nice build but missing two legendary skills!
I am prestiging during waiting time (the 8 hour BS) but never came close to my current build. So I really have to find the last two skills.
Doing Manastorms from 1-50 bring me around 5 to 6 scrolls.
Is there a faster way to earn or buy scrolls?
I do the PvP leveling method myself, but I never saw the completing them with gold on the call board that’s interesting, worth it for some for sure
Wow ty so much for the guide, it will really make my progression a lot easier. I was told that i had to prestige to farm cards but now I saw that there are many ways to get more cards. And the usage of gold for completing quests was a really nice tip, I confess I never noticed we could pay to complete them. Again ty so much
So, does alliance just not have a duel quest npc? The horde guy is right outside the orgrimmar gates, but alliance have to pay out extra gold for a portable cb?
As of lately, I no longer bother with doing dailies, I just made an OWTL with Hoplite Training+Blademaster specifically for manastorms and just spam 1000+ so you get like 30k marks per 10 levels and a lot of stuff to sell so I a farm gold+marks. After that I just spend my gold on buying Bazaar Tokens to complete all the dailies with those.
Shout out to Mightywang!
Thank you Venario for sharing all of this information!
a thing to note is you still get the kill if you damage someone else's tagged mob for the PvE quests
Two things about duel quests – you can have more people in the party and it will work for all of them (but the person who wins the duel has to have the quest, it can’t be just anyone), and also you don’t have to be in PvP mode but rather both people doing the duel have to have the same mode as each other (so both being PvE is also valid). Thanks for the video!
thanks for the skill card thing I have been praying for that lol
That's the coolest tec gnome I've seen in the thumbnail! Love the vid to thanks😊