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Back at it again lads, I’m not allowed to heal anymore lmao
End of the season means we get a lot of drop off, so we make do and learn new roles! And then get told to immediately swap off 😛
48fps? Interesting lmao
It's ok Karv, everyone has a calling. Yours isn't healer
They stole your Pom Pom’s! Thankfully you got them back later. Thank you for sharing the fun. 🙂
Honestly suprised you survived all that flamming, you are truly WoWs greatest healer
"We found the exact 8 people that know how a clock works" LMAO
Holy shit – extreme "classic Kaif / SR" vibes from this. I watched your whole content in a few days and am blown away.
I guess after I've watched the usualy playlists a dozen times, your channel got suggested. First time I am thankful for the youtube algorithm.
Keep doing what you're doing now – you're gonna be up the top with the others.
One of the last true and good channels – huge!
Ah yes the three stages of healing a Tank =D "He is fine" TANKBUSTER " Oh shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit" got healed "Oh he is fine! =D" tank dead "How did he die??" classic =D