44 here now, havin more kids, teachin them everything i know, the wife too been at it since vanillia, most fun ive had on WOW although it is still amazing to me, idc, all expacs were new, and fun, but from vanillica, to TBC, bruh, come on man, hands down, amazing
My wife's grandmother plays wow and shes 92
50? Damn you actually look like you're in your 30s.
Oldest warcraft player? How old is Sionz?
44 here now, havin more kids, teachin them everything i know, the wife too been at it since vanillia, most fun ive had on WOW although it is still amazing to me, idc, all expacs were new, and fun, but from vanillica, to TBC, bruh, come on man, hands down, amazing
im 32 lvl 😅
49 hehe
lvl 52! Playing since Feb 2005.
Ur start 50's?? What? You keep it straight mate
What set is that?
Sometimes i wonder who has the most /played or has the oldest wow character.
Absolutely no one asked you that
I'm 52 and playing
62, woman, 3k IO, AOTCs. Say "Hi!" to Betasha!
54 about to be 55. Been on Azeroth since vanilla. ❤