How One Of The Best Rogues In The World DOMINATES WoW PvP

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43 thoughts on “How One Of The Best Rogues In The World DOMINATES WoW PvP”

  1. These plays have a lot more to do with internet connection and game sense than anything. The more they nerf cc and shorten it, the worse this gets. There's a reason all this is old expansion clips. Cant do shit out of kidney,sap or blind anymore = none of these clips don't exist in the shit within

  2. Playing rogue in PVP and PVE are two wildly different experiences. Their control toolkit is what made them so fun to play, but have little to no use in PVE anymore. I pvp less as I get older and my main (rogue) feels more and more boring. I still love seeing clips like these though because that’s what drew me to the class originally.

  3. "He should have slow-motioned this"
    Doesn't toggle the video speed to .25 or .5
    Uses pause to slow down instead of using <> keys to go frame by frame

    I love Venruki's videos but these could have made it better/easier for him to explain/showcase this stuff :>

  4. Hey venruki can you do a fire/frostfire meteor litfuse combo? I switched back to fire since the buff and it helped alot in making more damage in pvp(not necessary more efficient than sunfury arcane). I stack for fire fall and double meteor into lit fuse-blast-comb-blast -flamestrike-blast-flame-blast-flame. Sometimes if I'm not their focus I throw greater pyroblast before the combo. Can you teach me to do it better ? I find that litfuse triggers more often now and playable rn.

  5. ya give me your latency lol , or give us a server for arabian gulf countries with 20 or less ms then lets talk rofl
    we all play with at best100 ms adding distance to it , any cast that you do of 1sec for us its 2 sec
    give any multi glad player in that region your connection watch him multi r1 easy

  6. remember when combo points were only able to be used on the target built on? and rogues were still the best possible class in the best hands in true vanilla. i miss it but this is a completely different game today. prep def makes up for being able to kidney a target you havent even focused yet xD


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