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There’s a lot of attention on talent changes in the upcoming 10.0 pre expansion patch for Dragonflight, so let’s look at some of the smaller changes and how they work, and find out what there is to do in the first week of the patch!
Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday
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Would the auto-cast work for, let's say, Soul Strike for Demonology warlocks? It's a 10sec CD, that triggers a GCD. Or do I go back to macro'ing it into my Shadowbolt?
Thanks for the great overview Soul 🙂
Will we have houses like we had in drenor
Oh an thanks for everything it helps alot. Maybe in the near future we can do some gaming
I cant believe its taken wow this long to have a UI configuration tool.
as somebody whos played ascension wow a bit too much 2:49 is actually huge, very excited to get my hands on these trees
With this phase 1 pre-patch, will I be able to lvl to lvl 60 without entering Shadowlands?
Now that all 3 raids will be fated, does this also mean that all 3 world bosses will be fated each week?
Great video! What is your addon that displays the icon of the ability when it does damage? Thanks for making this 🙂
Thanks for the tips!
Thsnks for catching me up on all this stuff man. Quite a nice video.
I want to watch coffee with Bob. Is this a thing yet?
So basically, log on tomorrow night, set up your UI, update addons, select talents, then log off for 3 weeks until the 2 week pre-launch event.
What happens to those of us that haven't purchased DF yet on Tuesday?
Glad they nerfed the penality, jeez this thing was a nightmare sometimes
are all of the pre patches from november available to everyone or just people who bought the expansion?
This frost mage is at the top of the meter. Thank you. 😂😂
Video starts at 0:43
They busted now.. LOL
i am so glad this expansion ends tomorrow
Soul, your transmogs are always ingenious 👏
Can't wait to get back into WoW on Tuesday. Nice work as always Soul.
„Shadowlands“ I’m so happy that I don’t have to read that word ever again in a couple days 🙃
You still need to hit a trainer to learn the skills from all the talents?
Sadly, P1 of prepatch is going to be a paid beta test. PTR and Beta are still laden with annoying bugs. I miss the Blizzard of old which pushed out quality work, postponing releases if needed.
so about those work orders and white/grey transmoggable items…
Looks to me like the just ripped off Dominos add on for the new UI deal
Thanks for all your knowledge soul. Blackspiral Azjol-Nerub
@ 7:03 – Does anyone know what the mage hat transmog is called on his goblin – I want it? Plz let me know.
Great round up. I am comfortably confused. All good.
I recently came back to WoW after about a year away and can't commit to a main class. I am pretty torn between hunter and druid, or possibly my old DK. Any advice?
Im hoping work orders are up and testable this week.
The “Back at One” lyrics 😂😂
Your transmogs always are cool! Thanks for the info as always
wait, what is going on with all covenant abilities at the same time? You didn't really explain that point in the vid.
what is your pally transmog in this vid? Thank for the explanations! (returning player).
3:55 too right! I can't wait to take my oly paladin into dragonflight and eal my way through eroic raids.
they should have added a built in dmg meter