How to Actually get Better at World of Warcraft | The PoddyC Ep. 09

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Howdy Folks! Welcome to Episode 9 of The PoddyC In this episode Dratnos, Dorki & Maximum tackle the ever important question of “How do I Get Better at World of Warcraft”. In this episode we’ll be going over recent WoW Related news, like the Mass Layoffs at Blizzard, aswell as the recent 10.2.5 Class Balancing – before tackling today’s big topic. We’ll be going over things like improving your UI, Joining better guilds, improving mechanically & Much more!

Hope you enjoy todays episode “How to Actually get Better at World of Warcraft”!

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0:00 – Intro
0:53 – Layoffs at Microsoft / Blizzard
2:44 – Doing the Blizzard thing to Genres
3:40 – Blizzard Customer Support
5:53 – Layoffs suck
8:13 – Layoffs really really suck tbh
11:57 – New Class Tuning
13:35 – Nerf Good vs Buff Bad
15:45 – Class Balancing is Pretty Good Right Now
17:19 – Raid Balance vs Dungeon Balance
18:13 – Balancing with M+, Raid & PvP in mind
21:04 – What you want in raid vs m+
22:06 – Buff Moonkin?
22:35 – Defensives are INCREDIBLY unbalanced
23:43 – Versatility might need to die
25:50 – Balancing in 10.2 Has been Impressive
27:03 – 10.2.5’s lack of content
28:53 – Which is maybe fine?
29:39 – Please just take some Chances
31:15 – Dratnos had a Cook
32:53 – How to get Better at WoW
34:06 – Dorki’s Journey on Boomie
34:49 – The struggles of being a streamer
35:35 – We all start somewhere
35:55 – Latching on to Better Players
36:54 – Dorki’s Take on it
38:00 – Watching Good Players
38:53 – Having an Ego
40:24 – The Common Denominator is Playing a LOT
42:30 – Experience & Knowledge (Mindset)
43:35 – UI & Addons
46:50 – Playing Better vs Outsourcing to UI
48:17 – It all adds up
50:48 – Think about it, Don’t just Add sounds to Everything
52:02 – Echo’s MDI Team
52:42 – WA’s & UI’s are a Skill
53:46 – Recording your Gameplay
54:29 – The Downside of PTR
55:27 – Dratnos’ Take
57:30 – You don’t need to know EVERYTHING
1:01:01 – Rotation Helpers
1:05:15 – Hiding your Bars
1:06:15 – Where Should Things Be on Your Screen?
1:08:01 – The Ping System
1:11:56 – 1 Class vs FOTM Rerolling
1:17:10 – Multi-Rolling
1:18:57 – Multi-Rolling is REALLY hard
1:22:14 – How Do You Go From AOTC to Cutting Edge
1:24:11 – How Dorki Did It
1:25:48 – Always just Climb
1:26:15 – It all Depends on Your Ability
1:26:48 – Focus on Getting Better at The Game (Get Good Logs)
1:29:33 – Get a big R.IO score
1:30:15 – Outro

if ur reading this i hope u had a nice day
#Dragonflight #ThePoddyC #podcast


33 thoughts on “How to Actually get Better at World of Warcraft | The PoddyC Ep. 09”

  1. PvP in WoW doesn't matter and they should more or less axe it. It's a holdover from the olden days but PvP is some of the least popular stuff in the game. More people just do casual open world garbage content and goof around collecting mounts and pets than PvP… balance the game for what matters and if you HAVE TO do something to keep PvP together then literally just disable certain skills in PvP??? that's such an easy way to force "balance" classes in arena and bgs (like it was ever actually balanced lol)

  2. The "play with better people" thing is actually so important. This is the first patch I have played with people significantly better than me in m+ and the rate at which I have gotten better as a player is incomparable to how I was in the past. Especially doing higher keys where it's a "do this correctly or we all die" kind of thing has helped a lot.

  3. Outside of the sheer sadness for those who lost their jobs, I have two big worries/complaints/problems about the layoffs. Blizzard since their first round of QA layoffs years ago has been relying on their players to beta-test their games and patches. I know this is standard business practice at this point across the industry with things like early-access which is just a paid beta, but I think there are tons of things that Blizz has pushed through in WoW that would not have been done in that manner if they had a stronger internal QA presence and more importantly if QA had more value.

    The second is as they said, it's getting rid of a foot-in-the-door job. The type of job that if you were ambitious you could move up in the company from by making those professional connections. The only real substitute for these jobs is professional education, which is going to price a lot of people out of the games industry.

  4. Something simple I use the ping system for in M+ that I haven’t seen anyone else do is just pinging On My Way to afflicted/incorp or w/e to let your PUG group know you’re doing that one. Helps prevent the pug incidents where you double CC one and then the Mage doesn’t have poly on his bar and you wipe.

  5. Warriors should have some bleed dispell for sure, they are in general considered to be a class that can suffer a lot of damage and just not die. If they would have some bleed dispell or something like that, it would make them a lot more valuable. It's pathetic when it comes to incorporial, I mean, just name some spell LONG CC and give it to them, or make extra action button that they can use on those mobs, same for DKs. You just won't get an invite sometimes 2 weeks in a row, not fun.

  6. Hekili is actually really good. You just have to keep in mind that it is only thinking about the current encounter, not what's coming up. It's also not paying attention to the health of the mobs you're fighting.

  7. For the rotation helper bit, i find that it highly depends on the spec. The outlaw rotation helper addons are highly optimized and work incredibly well. Most of the time I'm topping damage in my M+ groups up to ~25's. Sometimes you need to ignore it on certain bosses such as Rezan in AD. Helper would recommend vanishing, but he's going to pursue in 3s so maybe you want to not get targeted. On the other hand, Aug's rotation helper is very poorly optimized. Frequenty falls into loops where it doesn't recommend fire breathe or upheaval for long periods, or completely forgets that you have an active trinket that needs to be used. I was learning aug and had an active trinket that the rotation helper completely ignored, and I didnt end up using it through the whole key.

  8. 17:33 I don't get dorki's statement about dps warrior, "you're never going to over tune warrior" meanwhile you have classes like rogues, dh, mage etc. that are all over tuned in both raid and m+. Coincidentally we do less damage, and have less utility then all of those classes so why is it fine for those to be broken and not warrior?

  9. How to get better at world of warcraft based on the terrible players ive had the misfortune of interacting with of the past 15 years in wow; Do these 5 simple steps and you will be in the top 25% of the playerbase.
    -Turn your monitor on
    -Use a pc
    -Use a mouse
    -Dont play in first person camera
    -Take the blind fold off

  10. Imo there are far more multi role player than you think.
    like I'm multi role player
    I play dps/healer/tank
    And i play them Competitively (To my standards which are 23 and Some mythic bosses)
    I can tell you that all three roles have something in common which is managing your Personals and when to use your offensive heal/damage and it's NOT hard to play In my opinion.
    Also If you for whatever reason are multi role player
    god bless your soul ❤

  11. I understand that an investor reevaluates a company when acquiring it, but why do they throw out the human resources that are intimately familiar with the company, instead of finding them a new role? In the digital world, a large part of the value of a company is its workforce, right? And by the way, large companies like Microsoft (and maybe Blizzard) have people whose only job is to do layoff-talks (or similar things) with employees. If you do this well, you might slingshot someone right into their next job or at least spare the person a larger breakdown.

  12. Man when they are talking about how you should just ignore things other roles/classes deal with is so dumb for most player, sure if youre playing with other amazing players who will never struggle with certain things then sure maybe? but as a tank especially or heals too, knowing what the other classes are going through at the moment can help smooth your run so much bc in tons of situations you can usually use something in your classes kit to help smooth the run out

  13. I would also add that sometimes you just have to be patient in guilds. Churn happens, people move/change mains, balance/guild needs shift constantly. That slot may open up eventually. If you keep showing up and being a reliable contributor, you'll be next in line. Finding a guild that aligns with your schedule, goals and attitude is probably the best thing anyone can do to get the most out of the game.

  14. UI sound cues are so incredibly helpful. I'm glad Causese etc are putting more into m+ and raid packs.

    I first became aware of how useful they are on heroic Sire prog. The first night I kept getting knocked by the swirls (before they changed them from red to orange) so I made Bigwigs play an air horn whenever they came out and the problem was instantly solved.

    Another big one for me is to use different voice countdown timers (HOTS and OW voices) for different mechanics. Beam type things like Fyrakk's Blaze lines usually get counted down by McCree and frontals or charges are usually Reinhardt.

  15. The crazy thing about layoffs getting people by surprise is because the "sentiment" at least for wow players is that the game isn't that bad, so there's no need to fire 2000 people.

    People's takes would be so much different if this happened in 2021 during 9.1


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