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Burst macro:
#showtooltip Symbols of Death
/cast Symbols of Death
/cast Cold Blood
/cast Shadow Dance
/use Sinful Aspirant’s Badge of Ferocity
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(Down until i’m high rated in Shadowlands!)
Twitch Stream
If you read this comment something about cows taking over the world.
Look at how disappointed Tim is at you not using Secret Technique.
You are very informative. Keep up the small tip video's. You gained a new subscriber here.
Get off the sub train. All you macro spammers are gonna get a nerfed soon anyway. Losers
Started in BFA and never played sub, these videos are stupid helpful my man
These videoes are insanely helpful. From the pvp to the pve, you've helped so much already. Keep it up.
Dude I choked on my soda over that fan joke… that was ridiculous 😂
just found your channel, had no idea bout the symbols/shuriken/black powder spam. My dps skyrocketed lol. Premed was a good swap too. Subbed and liked. THanks alot!
I deleted my comment because i thought there was a chance you were right about secret tech, but the sims say 300-500 dps increase from secret technique. wasnt trying to come off rude. GL my dude, your video is actually very good. no flame at all!
hey man i really like your videos you made me want to replay my rouge
Bro you pump out videos so fast. !!!
Two laugh out loud moments
1) Biggest fan
2) the bottom half*
Great video! Learned a lot.
Thank you!!!!
Thank you 🙂
Which legendary is best for sub ?
Finally someone agrees with me on Secret Technique! Nice!
Ok I see your secret message. Planet of the Tauren. My Tauren Shaman is named eatmorchikin
If you had the crit legendäry i guess your opener will be a little Bit diffrent
Subbed yesterday 👌 great content just started playing sub rogue in shadowlands this channel has help soo much!
The biggest question here is why tf the dh tank in the thumbnail is only doing 900 dps
Love it dude
Secret Technique is clunky now that we have Black Powder. Master of Shadow all the way!
Hi, congratulations for this wonderful guide, I am French and I always look at the English guides because for me they are the best. I'm not saying that the French are lame not far from there, but you are more efficient on the calculation and the details are better. Anyway, you cleared up my thoughts on the sub spec. Continues as its, they are well explained and thanks for the macro burst ( sorry for my english week) <3
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Does he realize Secret technique is an AoE spell as well? He is counting it as 5k damage only while in reality it's way more in AoE. If properly used then Secret Technique equates to a lot more damage then MoS, MoS is just more beginner friendly
hey bro im new to WoW this helped me a lot 🙂 any guide for Single Targt DPS rogue too?
hey bro im new to WoW this helped me a lot 🙂 any guide for Single Targt DPS rogue too? like i understand the AoE build now, but i assume as like you said, as soon as you killed one mob of 3 and there's only 2 left or 1, you start using shadowstrike instead of shuriken storm, and then what else do you use? Eviscerate over black powder? what about all the other abilities rogue have, thanks for explaining 🙂
The fuck is that green scythe that pops out of you
like that fan joke
Rogues are target capped at 8
From what I’ve read online sub is mainly crit and vers. How do you prioritize stats ?
Helps a lot for mythic+, really detailed explanation, thanks for that <3. my question is about the rotation by using night fae, because with night fae i dont got this high amount of mastery increase. so is the rotation worth it without kyrian or do i have to use a diffenent rotation?
disliked vote because fan
You’re almost as good as my MM hunter
Yo Palumor, it's me again, i'd like to discuss about some things but that would make too long of a comment. Telle me if you're intersted and if you are how can i contact you 😉 Thanks for the videos, i think it helps some of the new Sub rogues out there <3
what was that scythe at 9:14 ? looked dope as hell
A small asterix as to when you want to spend your points on kidney shot to control troublesome mobs even when aoe'ing but overal a great guide for new rogues
Great content, and jokes so bad you gotta laugh!
that helped alot thx dude subbed <3
loving the humor
ty i needed that
thank you sir very nice
lmfao no crazy new tips this week , but you're a lad hahaha good to listen to ill see you on twitch
isn't Fan of Knives capped to 8 targets? so u cannot apply weakness to more than 8 targets in your opener .
Awsome ! Like it !! Also makes it a lot more simple with just black powder
Great work! At first i was intimidated by the class, especially the sub spec, but you've made it easy to understand. Because of your series, my performance has improved tremendously. Are you going to explore the other rogue specs/macros? I wasn't sure if this was your main. Thanks for the great content.
Nice vid! What’s the name of the rotation addon? Cheers !
What are you talking about "there's never really a place for you to use secrect technique anyway". It's a major dps boost in BOTH AoE AND Single target. Master of shadows is slightly ahead in single target, while secret technique is miles ahead in AoE. So losing a little single target for a massive AoE gain is in my humble opinion way bette for mythics!
Do you want to keep slice and dice up during the AoE rotation?