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Getting left behind in WoW is never fun, so here’s some tips for getting caught up with all of the important stuff!
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First for once
I swapped characters 3x, and just now settled with my warrior, only to have to swap my covenant so this video is very appreciated lol
Nice I can finally work on my warlock 😂
If you are a nonraider and don't have an m+ group of friends. Just sit and relax watching in lfg window, how requirements to join grows much faster than your ilv.
Thanks Luv! I'm so far behind with 3 boys and the hubs. I've only managed to level my main ( Warlock ) to 60. My other 4 main alts are setting and 50-52 ugh… So this is much appreciated, thanks!
They need to fix the souls and anima. The rest of the catch up is awkward and limited by the time gating of resources.
Look at all this things you've unlocked (again) and can't use for week or months.
I think anima is way too hard to grind in terms of sanctum upgrades being at 5000 and 8000 after you first get the first upgrade. I know that this is probably inteded when sticking with one main and not necessarily that serious, maybe expect for the anima conducter for mount quest and other great rewards.
Dude its time gated bs like torghast etc shadowlands is not alt friendly at all
Oh yeah. Do you love me? 😍💋 💝💖❤️
10:43 has the best 😍💋 💝💖❤️
Thank you!
And how I unlock the legendaries for my alter? Need do all the Maw/Torghast introductory stuff again or exist a catch-up quest.
Don’t waste ur time or life on this time gated, grind. Activision is killing u slowly. Wow is basically drip Feeding u cancer…