How To Choose Your Alt & Class Archetypes Explained | Shadowlands 9.0 Guide

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0:00 – Intro
1:12 – Main Melee
3:38 – Support Melee
6:00 – Caster Archetypes
9:28 – Restricted DPS
12:22 – Healer Archetypes

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23 thoughts on “How To Choose Your Alt & Class Archetypes Explained | Shadowlands 9.0 Guide”

  1. But… For non-blizzcon players you usually play alts for variety, don't you? I don't want to play ww, arms, dh, dk. I want to play survival hunter, frost mage, WW, resto shaman! I guess this video will be very useful for Blizzcon contestants though! Xd kappa

  2. Me choosing an alt:
    Play almost every class to lvl 60 because I enjoy leveling.

    I currently have my main, a rogue. In addition I have lvl 60:
    afflicition lock
    frost mage
    resto shaman
    retri paladin (my main since 2005)

    Goddamn covid is making me play way more video games than I wish to admit.

  3. "While it is quite hard for a melee character to play a caster" yeaaahhhh that's me. I've mained every melee class at one point or another and this expansion I decided to main shadowpriest and boy am I struggling xD

  4. This is so weird man. My main and the classes I play are all linked in this video, clearly we are naturally drawn to classes but I didn't think there was a mechanical reason!
    I feel personally attacked.

  5. Sad Hunter main noises.

    Was actually hoping this would guide me a bit since the class is currently near unplayable (as in literally nobody wants to play with one outside the very rare Druid players that didn't respec to Balance).

    Having played the class for close to a decade i can't find my groove as anything else.

    It sucks.

  6. My mains have always been warrior, paladin, hunter, priest from wotlk to bfa, with every other class being alts, now I have every class at 60 both horde and alliance, I don't have a main anymore xd

  7. My main problem with your videos is thay they seem to revolve around 3v3 arenas mainly. Would be nice to have a class video about battlegrounds too since it is also PVP and, for a lot of us (if not most) that is the main pvp content we play.


  8. I think hunter alts as they mentioned should be anything since a lot depends on you (you have to kite, not spammable cc, peel, give utility (ros, freedom), games revolves around your traps, its a pet class, so you have to lead the GO so the team. Also you already using 60+ keybinds.
    I dont want to praise my class but hunter on a high lvl pvp is really a big brain class.

    If you play mostly survival outlaw and assa rog is a good skilled and strong alternative. DK (both spec) also looks good but you will miss the mobility. Also feral should be a good alternative but it is struggling as hard as hunters. WW monk is a really good mid lane alternative since you have reallllly good mobility, you are really squishy like a hunter so you have to use your kiting skills but you shouldn't have any issue with this.
    Ret, warri, cement just plays very different.

    For MM players Fire Mage is the go to alternative it is really the same class just much better it has everything that hunter have just on a hjgher lvl. Spammable cc, roots, good kiting abilites, huge bursts and medicore constant dmg. All you gonna miss is the freedom (slow remove).
    Good chill alternative is affli lock since it has pet but mobility is not as good as for mages.
    Easier alternative is balance druid. Shapeshift is a fun thing. Ele shamy also can be a good easy to pick up alternative if you dont want to bother much with learning the cc rotation.

  9. Does getting signed up at skillcap and paying for the guides there really help, or is it just for beginners ? I’m at 2200 cr and I’m looking to Improve to strife for gladiator.


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