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0:00 – Intro
1:38 – When To Interrupt Mages
3:08 – Playing Around Combustion
5:27 – Offensive Dispelling
7:46 – Healer Positioning
9:22 – Other Mage Tips
10:11 – Don’t Let Warriors Hit You
14:02 – Forcing Defensive Stance
14:40 – Trading Into Warbreaker
16:23 – Playing Around Intervene
17:53 – Other Warrior Tips
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Concepts: warrior, mage, how to counter, counter warrior, counter mage, knowing your enemy
Lol oneshot sub rogue hello ?
I love how the strat for kiting a warrior is trying to stay just under 80%. A good counter to them? Yes. Ridiculous that its necessary? Absolutely.
Don't stay too far away tho. Cuz rogue can just smoke bomb and you'll have to come running out of your pillar and fire mage can just nova your ass there and then. And your partner is gone in 5 sec.
How to track klepto? omnibar doesn't work for me
This dude sounds like Jeff from American Dad
cant mages go Venthyr and get a shadow spell school?
How to counter Ret: Kneel
This game is such dog shit…. Why do fire mages get to have combust every 30 fucking secs?
blizzard watch skill capped guides here?
Ret paladin is WAY more annoying & busted than arms warrior imho
i think u wanna mean the god spam classes in SL
PvP in shadowlands is so stupid
This title is exactly why PvP is trash in WoW.
Ret bm and rog are also god tier next to holy priest
2 healers are god tier now druid. And holy priest
This game is such shit.
How did you do with the questions?! Let us know below!
Countering Warrior be like: play around 5 or more of these powerful 25-45s cooldown abilites without getting touched by them…
counter = quit shitty shadowlands
ahh the 2 specs a want to play…Outlaw and Demo representing lmao….
How do you counter any god class? Survival Hunter.
Wow didn't know enh is so popular in arenas
Easy answer. Just cancel sub as most of us did
How to master Arena: Wait for a class to be broken, then play that one.
I like how their "just kite the warrior" advice they give shows us the warrior being bad while getting kited 2v1. The warriors healer was literally standing by the warlocks portals and he could of just intervened to him, saving Heroic Leap, for when the Warlock took his gateway. Not only that the warlocks healer could of CCed the enemy lock/healer to help, use Body and Soul/Feathers to help the warrior get to him. So many things that team did wrong to get kited it's pretty sad they used the footage tbh. Bottom line, you won't kite a good warrior with a competent partner. It doesn't happen, it won't happen even at the highest levels. You can't kite them as they are now it is impossible.
Its easy you just quit playing till 9.1
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blizzard could just nerf "god speccs" thank you 🙂
2:43 you know he’s bursting cause he’s moving side to side real fast!
can intervene block spell damage as well? or its just the 11% damage reduction?
Wow pvp is dead
I mean, 15:41 they are playing against Ragnaros players so… XD (its a joke guys)
tfw you got a glad's knowledge but are still stuck in 1600 kekw
STOP SAYING HOLY IS GOOD. It's not. Disc is far superior. JESUS. Holy is only good in 2s.
Hey guys, love your videos, but can I give some feedback?
I am not sure why you use them for a single person, but can you use singular? It is pretty confusing sometimes, at least as a non native speaker, it is hard to automatically tell if you are talking about the player or the team.
@14:12 Damage reduction for defensive stance for warriors in instanced pvp is actually 20% instead of 10% (they deal 20% less damage.)
Do not fucking kick shifting, trash guide. Stun that hydra did, was kill setup not kick for that certain spell. If you kick shifting mage has totaly freecast to poly/ring or just start pumping bit more then he should. Also if its in 2s and just kick that, he just start firebaling all day long, which will endup giving him even more cd reduction then shifting. And barely someone plays cnduit for shifthing 🙂
Biggest clickbait to explain how to counter classes without you having to learn it through playing. What about the other x classes in the game lol
I like how Skill Capped think that we don't already know everything that a mage can do to us. They've been doing it to us for years. While every other class has one or two abilities that you need to be wary off, mages, even bad ones, require you to play your absolute best every match. You really think that mages haven't already figured out counters to our counters?
your videos should be titled "noob guide for wow arena"
How to survive? Have over 220ilvl with 29% Vers and burn defensive properly… that’s how….
Small tip: MS can't be reapplied with Sharpen Blade up, so sometimes there's a small window when it ends where there is 0% ms on target.
I got into a scrap with an arms warr a few mins ago when I was dickin' around on my enhance sham in Dominance Keep…dumped 60k dmg into him and his hp didn't drop below 100%. Thefuq is that?
jUsT kItE tHe WiNgS nOoB lEl
16:25 Try to avoid Pressure while Intervene? I just killed a Warrior by not pumping in him cause of Intervene. LOL.
God classes…really?
Playing a warrior really good, takes good skill.
The skillcap to delete pleople with a retridin, firemage or boomkin – not so high.
Warriors have always been popular, its the per-definition RPG class. However, after being the constant underdog in PvP since Wrath outside the situations where you have a constant pocket healer (such as Arenas) – people are just not accustomed to meeting or seeing warriors as much of a threat (which they still are not compared to nearly all classes, unless they have a dedicated pocket-healer).
Every other class in the game have selfheals, and do their majority of dmg with magic/poison dmg – where warrior damage is mostly physical and have to take armor into account. I've been hit on my shaman by retridins, boomkins and firemages with strikes of 20k+ dmg, even with 25% versitility – NEVER has such single ability damage come from a warrior – not even executes/condemn, which usually strikes like half of those other classes.
Warriors are now, with healers, able to hold their own
betterthan before, which means many return to their warriors – finally able to play their favorite class and not feel like wet noodle. Yes, warriors are masters of armed combat and have a lot of nice tools now – but its mostly because of their tools they are a favored class in arena teams, not because of their "god power" to kill things. So many other classes kill shit better than warriors. But we have many many nice tools to HELP our team.However, i really dont get this – there are so many classes that outperforms a warrior in many regards, so why warriors are placed as a "god class" sounds more like people being QQ, rather than understanding where the warriors comes from in this games history. Finally we're on par with the rest (yet, free for alls in a duel) – and we're suddenly "gods"…yeh, right.
Is the voice guy for this video Jeff from American Dad? Can't unhear.
Hello, where did you get those smoke animations when bursting?
I don’t mean smoke bomb.
This guys voice is great! so hype.
Dude it’s 20% reduced damage not 10%. If it was 10% we would never take it off bro you sound so stupid. Stop being so scripted and parroted and actually make true content. Not what’s easy or meta relevant.
Defensive stance is 20% dmg reduction in pvp.. not 10.