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This video will talk about the latest Jan 11 World Of Warcraft Season Of Discovery Nerfs to Beast Mastery Hunters and What You can Do to counter them to regain some DPS.
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00:00 Intro
00:37 Buffs & Nerfs Update
02:24 New Runes Setup
03:16 New Talent Tree
04:54 New Talent Tree
05:43 Final Thoughts
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Nice video Garza
About afk soon
damn that sucks, i was leveling a hunter hoping to get in on that wind serpent insanity. good for my restro druid on the parses tho lol
Compensating Beast Mastery nerf with Chimera Shot buff is idiotic. You can only use either one. Why buff Chimera Shot if we still cannot use it?
Sorry, but a bit of critique.
There's pretty much never a reason to drop 5/5 Imp Aspect of the Hawk.
Endurance Training is also useless unless you expect your pet to get hit so hard and fast that you need the extra 15% hp before you or someone can heal it. You'll practically never notice a difference in pet survivability by taking this talent unless perhaps you main tank raids with it or people try to burst down your pet in PvP. It's at most like 200-ish HP for 5 invested points… at least put them back into IAotH 🙂
Even if you're never stepping into a raid, the usual 5/5 IAotH, 3/3 TH, 2/2 IRP, 5/5 UF and 1/5 F is pretty much set in stone for most situations. Unless you PvP, then you obviously want Bestial Swiftness instead of that single point in Ferocity.
Whaaat? Drop 3 points from Aspect for what? Pets don't die in pve, only reason can be if your pet is offtanking.
Rune not ruin
Quality video. You deserve more sub sir