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Legendary items are very powerful in Shadowlands, so here’s how to craft your first one quickly.
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Legendary effect wowhead article –
So is there a limit to how many different legendaries you can wear at the same time? Or is everyone gonna run around in full legendary gear at the end of the expansion?
mine is in the raid gg lol
But dont you want 2 wait for you're bis tho ?
Seems complicated
I don't know what covernant or class im playing yet 🙂
hmm i tought they said we would be able to get the legendary in the first week. did they change this again 😛 ?
On wowhead, it says that some legendary effects come from Torghast, A specific wing and "layer 3+". Does that mean it comes from 3,4,5,6th etc or is 3rd excluded? If so, we cant actually get torghast legendary powers until 2 weeks into the expac, when layers 4-6 open.
How many legendaries can you wear?
this man is pressing blade dance lmao
I just realized a problem with soulbinds and Kelani's video is the most recent upload so I'll dump it here.
Do you need 16 alts to collect all the armor transmogs?
Thank you. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻!
so aside from soul ashh and legendary effect, all i need to create legendary item i can make myself with proffesion or simply buy on AH?
I wonder who the rune carver really is. A mysterious smith without Memories?
It's a real coincidence that Maldraxus is missing it's primus – he was a mastersmith as well but got lost long ago. Nobody knows where he is. Maybe the rune carver knows this guy when we get more forgotten Memories?
I'm sure the mastersmiths know each other.
my bis legendary drops in the raid , WTF
The layers weekly reset from Torgasht is going to happend in tomorrow's reset?
can we eventually raft all of them and just equip X ? im someone who quite likes to change specs now and then to keep it interesting sounds like legendaries are going to "lock" me in to a spaec
Hey folks this is MadHazelSeasonBellularGames
Kelani is this folks hey
My two best legendaries come from the two last bosses in the raid. Fml 😭
how many legendaries are equippable together?
I'm going from fury warrior to havoc dh, pyrodoxine kelani 😁. I have conflicting leggos to get. Some say one some say the other…. like ugh…. one comes from the raid one comes from the weekly vault apparently lol.
Are the raid legendary 100% drop rates?
DO NOT CRAFT IT FAST unless you are a world first raider. Tuning will happen after heroic week if there is anything over preforming.
they're gonna be tweaked in the first month.. and again babies aure gonna cry , get over it. wonder how many nerds tend to forget it's all virtual world , i prefer going fast to achieve something usefull irl than in a dumb game.
Thanks bro.
just lets all rush to do all the content within the first hour of playing so we can complain the rest of year of having nothing to do
All my gym gains for the past 6 months will be rip in the next 2 weeks
I wouldnt recommend anyone craft their first legendary in the first few weeks. It's almost a certainty that Blizzard will nerf or buff the leggos after launch.
7 more hours, LETS GOOOO
Wish the game just didn't have legendaries at all … maybe how it was back in classic.
This is the crap I hate about WoW. Legendaries used to be rare, now they really aren't. If everyone has a legendary then is it really legendary. Isn't this more like just normal gear? Yeah, if everyone has an item then it ceases to be special. Legendaries aren't legendary if everyone has them.
both BiS disc legendaries are from the raid.. FML
theres alot of ppl saying we should hold off just incase they tune things and im inclined to agree. stockpile your stuff but dont craft for a couple weeks
Great video super helpful
If the legendary power comes from dungeon boss can I just spam heroics to get the effect?
Don’t forget to skip all the cutscenes for 100% enjoyment
Does SL have a sanctuary too?
How many legendaries can be crafted for 1 char?
11 minutes before launch and still don’t know what class I’m maining