How To Earn DOZENS Of Dragonflight Class Set Transmogs Solo!

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With Dragonflight nearing it’s conclusion & The War Within bringing Warbands, I think it’s the ideal time to get our alts looking up to scratch!


47 thoughts on “How To Earn DOZENS Of Dragonflight Class Set Transmogs Solo!”

  1. Upgrading through the catalyst to a tier set and then upgrading said piece to unlock other colors (like Regular to Hard or Hard to Mythic) does not work to unlock previous tier gear sets. Idk if this was changed but I wasted a lot of currency to find out it doesn't work.

  2. Great video, thanks 👍

    With the way itemization has gone this expansion its easier then ever now to go back and farm the old raid tiers even while they are still at the current level cap, and it's worked out great for collectors.

    My only gripe really is with the untapped forbidden knowledge, why are they not account wide? I have all of the normal mode transmog sets from VOTI banked for every class and I'm sitting on about 60 or so knowledge tokens on my main from doing the FR zone meta, and I can't do a thing with them.

  3. Doing those weekly quests to get gear for the set is like pulling teeth. If I had a dollar bill every time I got a ring or cloak on an alt I’d be a self made millionaire and i still wouldn’t have a full set to catalyze.

  4. I think it's much faster to grind Elemental Storms for Primalist Gear and Untapped Forbidden Knowledge. I got 8 pieces in 15 minutes as a solo tank, but people will also want to join if you set up a group for it at a reasonable time.

  5. Are we splitting the atom? Or are we building nuclear missiles? It should be a easy game for all ppl If wow devs. will follow this complex quests and missions no one will play the game anymore!!!

  6. You don't have to do +18s to get Heroic gear… that's what drops Heroic gear at the end of the run, but Belluar completely forgot the Vault!

    If you can't put a +18 on farm, +8 and above gets you Heroic gear as a vault reward every reset.

    There's a couple asterisks here though… you only NEED Heroic gear if your goal is the Mythic tier set appearance… and if you want the Mythic set tier appearance you will be required to be able to clear +16s to get the crests needed to upgrade Heroic gear to Mythic gear.

    If you don't want the Mythic tier set but do want Heroic, you either need Heroic gear (obviously) or Champion gear and Wyrm crests to upgrade said gear to Heroic…. and Wyrm Crests are much easier to get.


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