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Thanks to everyone picking up a copy! much appreciated!
nice mount studen
Been waiting for this!!
My setup it's a fully m15 geared balance druid from BFA, it's pretty bonkers I can solo more than 15 mobs without going barkskin taking the most advantage of scaling as possible
Yo this is awesome! Personally I use a monk and it's amazing for pulling 6-8 mobs, but I feel like Guardian might be a little bit more efficient for solo farming cuz u can pull 10+ mobs easy, might look into gearing my own druid 😀 Thanks Studen!!
can someone help me to get shadowlands?
Great vid, Where can I check your talents?
How many hours I must farm to buy a WoW Token for Sure?
Natural order of will and Ursoc's fury are the best ones if your focus is on doing M+ but legacy of the sleeper is really great. once layer 8 is unlocked in Thorgast, you will be able to craft a legendary every week, because layer 8 gives enough to craft rank 1 every week if you want. layer 4 is unlocked right now right? or 6?
Hey studen, is this the same Druid you use for 2×4 farms? If so, what other profession are you using with skinning? Tailoring or enchanting, thanks for the videos!
BM hunter is also a great idea. tanking with mob aggro and aoe burst with stomp beast cleave
How much gold do u get per hour approx?
Hey stuuuden! nice vid mate- I have a druid with herb/mine who I like to do my routes on (I like it its chill) and a dh with Skin/LW. I also have a spare lvl 50 druid who Im thinking of leveling as I think the pull power of guardian is better then DH- since I already have herb on one druid do you recon I should get tailoring with scavenging on my second druid to max out the 2×4 group farm profits? would second herb on it be a waste?
What is the laziest, tankiest class to play that doesn't require much clicking to pull 10-15 mobs for skinning and can be played by paying 50% attention?
the G2A links you have for "cheapest game time" isnt cheaper than blizzards default £9.99 for 30 days, they are charging £12 for 30 days and its on offer.
bad video
Do u think the race matter alot like is it worth to race change for gettin Highmountain Tauren ?
hey Studen, thanks for all your Guides ur doing for us!
But ive got one questions, which addon do you use, that u can see the wild animals health bars, i dont find anything on the internet.
I can see it when i click on them, but on your screen you see them everywhere!
Would be happy, if u could answer my question, keep up the good work, and see ya!
You buy a gold pan and classifier and head to the river duh
do you use guardian gear or balance?
what the heck is up with your character? How do you have a female undead druid who's bear form is a male tauren?
im doin this farm as a DK. Blood DK 😀 Pulling is challenging but still given the fact it still 40-50k per hour for me i can do that challenge:D
I spent a couple hours a day doing the reindeer route leveling from 50-60 on my Druid and I got over 1m gold with skinning herbalism and cooking