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Armory: Markers on Gorefiend US
good video man!! Thank you ;D
Thanks man , leveling up a druid now.
What is the addon that displays ccs above enemy nameplates
One more tip: don't try to fake cast at low rating because they don't kick unless you're 10% hp so you will just die
from someone who has dropped from 2k rating to 1K5 in 1 week 🙂
A bit off topic but are the convoke nerfs going to affect your ability to deal damage as a resto?
hi markers ty for good tricks – i have 1 ask 😀 . what is this after u take dmg u spray color ? it is for ur backpack ? how i can get this ?
Hello Markers, watchin ur vids from germany and lovin ur playstyle..i'm just wondering about ur shadowmeld macro. Can u tell me? I dont find it.
Ur skill level is awesome!
Most important question: How do I know that they kicked me after I faked? :p So I know their kick is on cd
Hey Markers, I finally made 1600 in 2v2 after more than 900 games and your videos helped me a lot! Thank you for all the great advice and the frequent videos!
I see the bike in the back, lets goooo dude hahaha 👊🏼
Also thanks for all the content, you are trying to help the community, appreciate that!
Спасибо за объяснение. Уже долгое время смотрю твои видео и они очень сильно мотивируют! 😃👍
Love your vids, trying to make the Druid work, while fighting the peer pressure to "just go h pal".
Love all the effort you're putting into youtube and educating us man, i knew almost all of those tricks exept i tend to never get kicked intentionally, which i will surely do now that i switched night fae !
You're so much fun to watch and to learn from, and you work on the side, so congrats man, you should definitely be proud of yourself.
you're doing some nasty work ! keep it up ! much love 🙂