How To Gear Up in Patch 11.0.7 – 419+ ilvl ALL BY YOURSELF

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Patch 11.0.7 introduces a few new ways to gear up, allowing you to very quickly and easily get up to item level 619 on your freshly dinged level 80 characters and alts.

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Timestamps –
0:00 – How to gear up to ilvl 619 quickly in 11.0.7
0:40 – How to get up to ilvl 606
3:45 – New ring just got hotfixed!
5:46 – Celebration event is still good
8:10 – Khaz algar weekly quests and rewards
9:36 – Easy item level 606-636 gear option
12:00 – Getting reliable 619 gear
15:36 – What item level do you need for season 2??

Disclaimer this video is sponsored by Castle Duels


40 thoughts on “How To Gear Up in Patch 11.0.7 – 419+ ilvl ALL BY YOURSELF”

  1. 🏰 Install Castle Duels for FREE here: 💥 Get a master chest with gold, set of cards and magic dust, which can be exchanged for legendary card! You’ll receive a bonus within a day, IOS users please don’t forget to allow app tracking when downloading to receive exclusive rewards!

    Become a YouTube member here –

    Do this FIRST in 11.0.7 –

    Massive Gearing Changes for 11.0.7 and Season 2 –

    25 New Features Coming to WoW –

  2. This ring is not good. Yes, it’s better than nothing, but no ,compared to other rings it’s not that good. When you first hit 80 the siren isles is great to get full epic, to get started for end game . But the whole thing feels lack luster. It short cuts world events and other things, sorta feels rushed and like a “shiny” thing dangled to attempt to get people towards mythical stuff, since that’s all they seem to keep changing and having issues with, they are bread crumbs to mythical content.

  3. Thank you. This was very useful and informative as Blizzard doesn’t ever lay a clear path out in front of you to get gear or what to do at end game much anymore. Much appreciated, good stuff please keep making videos like this.

  4. Missed opportunity to make it better for alts & the longevity of the isle, by not allowing us to buy valorstones. Could've been like 500 flame blessed iron for 100 valorstones or something similar.

  5. the ring is to early in the expansion making it useless. if i take it i will lose 4-7% haste and 4% mastery for ret and drop my acvoicdance below 1`00% for prot. NOT worth it as thats the most important stats and priorities. Going below 100% avoidance (or not getting the max your spec can) is why there are so many shit tanks out there that give healers a hard time.

  6. Trick to crafting:
    If you're getting something crafted where the tier 1 reagents are like 20% of the cost of the tier 3, go ahead and make a cheap public order using the worst reagents. Then get it recrafted by someone with max skill and the best reagents because it takes significantly fewer reagents to recraft but does not get weighed down by the previously used items.

    Did it for a few of the blacksmithing items and spend about 6k/ea instead of the 16k it was "supposed" to cost. Also valuable for staves.

  7. Crafting not as easy as you say. There are hardly anyone fulfilling the crafting orders. Should be more complete with your videos and explain the real process and not just give brief descriptions.

  8. When I geared up my paladin doing delves a few months ago I kept getting these treasure maps that when used would award a extra chest with a hero piece of gear if u made it through with a life left. This time I am gearing up my death knight trying to do the same thing but I don't seem to be getting any of those treasure maps this time around and can't figure out why.

  9. I can see why people have walked from this game, its not a game but a job !! Nobody wants to quest day in and day out. So many other games out there that are fun to play this game isn't fun anymore and Blizz / Microsoft wonder why the servers are empty ……

  10. I've been forsaken by the RNG Gods. I'm only ilv 609. The crap i keep getting makes me not even want to do daily/ weekly events. What I get is quite literally, %80 unusable. 1 handed weapons and shields, ranged, cloth and leather, gear i can't even use. Then %10 is just not good, and only %10 has potential.


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