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Here’s a quick guide to gearing up in Shadowlands, so you can get item level 184+ before the raid comes out.
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Omg area 52s up lol
second ^^
Early XD
As always, thanks so much for all the great info! This is a huge help.
So at about 1,000 Honor for your first BG win of the day, if you are lucky and win right away, you can grab an off piece pretty easily. Given that the upgrades to the Honor Gear pretty cheap honor wise, you might even be able to max it out (to the artificial ceiling) in an hour. At the very least, doing winning one BG a day and banking up honor and then buying that elusive piece that won't drop for you when you hit Renown 7 so you can upgrade it to 190 might not be a bad idea.
All I know, is that as soon as I hit level 60 last night, I realised this expansion seems to be much more Grinding friendly than BFA. I know that Torghast is capped, Renown has to be worked, artefacts require grinding etc,… but at least I know what I have to get, what my bis pieces are and what to do next. There is a plan I can have and follow and that's an undeniable relief. Apart from that, graphics have been greatly improved, animations are really smooth and the overall look and feel of this expansion is great, at least right now, here's to hope blizzard doesn't mess it up and it stays as what seems to be a not-perfect, but surprisingly tolerable and manageable grinding experience. guys are level 60? I just finished work and heading home lol.
Bro what??? I am still trying to get in.. Lmao
I just wanna enjoy SL and get gear when I have time. Dad life here…
Look… I don't want to hear there ain't nothing to do for you or anyone else that has power leveled/geared in two weeks because y'all rushed through the content… Just don't want to hear it. Ain't on Blizzard to make y'all slow down.
How to gear up: wait next week cuz item level is gonna inflate when all major content will be available, so there's absolutely no rush to gear fast right now, you might even lose your time of life doing so. Same thing happened in bfa.
What would be worth your time is to simply do dungeons to learn their layout, be prepared for next week and get easy gear. Any other investment seems useless
Im starting at level 1 every expansion way more fun. You can play end game for 2 years why rush there.
People were 60 before others were finally able to even log in… Sad.
Man they really need to overhaul the general aesthetics of the game.
On my server the mats I farmed from 50-58 can net me about 250k gold lol. Herb & Mining.
You're already 180 item lev
i probably have a good idea what to do but im still going to watch lol.
HoW To gET GEaRED FasT!!!! "Follows the same shit everyone else is doing"
Love this guide, thanks a lot <3
I will do a mix of pvp and crafted to start with.
The gear drops and rewards while leveling are absolutely rubbish im keeping the gear i have till my toon is lvl 60
If you're already level 60 you need to get a life.
Dude cut with it. I’m only at 54 and enjoying the journey. Don’t want to start thinking about any grind yet.
I don't understand why people rush to hit endgame so quickly. I did that in BFA and spent the entire expansion bored out of my mind. I feel like these speed levelers don't take time to enjoy the actual experience of the game before they cap in just a few hours after release and then complain that there's little-to-no content.
When do mythic 0s open? Are they out today?
Ty dude, very helpful
too bad torgust seems to be unavailable atm