To get all the new amazing rewards from the WoW 20th Anniversary Event you will need 1) Timewraped Badges, 2) Bronze Celebration Tokens, 3) Achievements!
27 thoughts on “How To Get All Rewards From WoW 20th Anniversary? Start Now! WoW The War Within | Patch 11.0.5”
It was just confirmed that the Obsidian Worldbreaker Mount will return for World of Warcraft's 20th Anniversary Event! It will cost 20 celebration tokens!
Only thing i hope for is that all those raids are LFR basically so i don't need to spend time on 20 alts trying to get into group XD casue that's gonna be toxic
It was just confirmed that the Obsidian Worldbreaker Mount will return for World of Warcraft's 20th Anniversary Event! It will cost 20 celebration tokens!
Be me, a Mechagnome: "Golly!, i can't wait to collect everything and not be able to wear them!, thanks Blizzard ;)"
Only thing i hope for is that all those raids are LFR basically so i don't need to spend time on 20 alts trying to get into group XD casue that's gonna be toxic
Do you need to be max lvl to farm these ?
so even if i have the original set i need to farm it and buy it again?
Any idea how many Timewarped Badges it would take to buy everything? (excluding the faction / gear upgraders)
Now if only Zandalar tribe rep was available with those timewalking reps, I still have that one sitting in my reps 🙁
Cow make a very horrible model for xmogs. In case you didn't know 😂
I want the mount
is this on now?
Blizzard needs to fire the people designing hunter armor. I'm so sick of boring green / brown armor.
How many tokens can we get per day?
You sound like a dog with peanut butter, stuck to the top of your mouth. lol jk jk
I can sell this pet called "lil'doomy's hilt" ?
Where does this quest start?
this event is start in eu?!!!
event is started where ir is ????
can i sell this pet called "lil'doomy's hilt" ?
Why did you use a cow as the model to show these? Nothing looks good on a cow, except maybe the druid set…
Is there any time sensitive items?
Or will all the anniversary armor sets, mounts, etc be available for the rest of the game?
Does anyone know what the lowest level your alts can be in order to do the quests to farm the currency for the transmogs? Thanks in advance!
Any estimates of how many timewarped badges are required to collect everything? I do have over 100k stored away, but will those be enough?
Nooo, I've had the Baby Blizzard Bear pet forever and now everybody is going to have it lol
bruh this even seems very grindy . . . i wonder how many can we farm in a day
Avec un accent pareil si t'es pas français je mange mon chapeau
wait the Anniversary stuff is out?